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According to Part 97 type acceptance of amateur radios is not needed. The FCC needs to change the rule/law. They jailed Jimmy Ping "the owner of Ranger" in 1997. They took him out from the Vegas show in handcuffs. Halfway through the case the FCC walked away. The case was brought either in Ohio or Michigan.

The FCC can make all the lists they want to. After 5 years I have been told that the Citations/NALs go away. They almost never take it to court. They can't win. The law is not on their side.

The FCC claims that because all 10 meter radios on their supposed list are easy to modify that they are dual band radios.10 meter/CB. Look at mods.dk. Most HF amateur radios would fall into that catagory as well. Kenwood, Icom, Yaesu, Alinco, Ten Tec, Elecraft, etc.

I believe I read here that a member called Washington and was told that one can use a 10 meter radio on 10 meters if one has the proper license. End of story!

They are not going after Rf Limited, Northstar, Galaxy, Ranger, or Connex. They are trying to squeeze the retailers and wholesalers. Ramko has a $150,000 fine they have not paid. Never taken to court. I think the judges need to put an end to this waste of taxpayers money.

The FCC should continue go after the non licenced users who travel into the 10 meter band.

Unless they are causing interferance who cares that a person is running some more power than allowed by law. Just keep your signal clean.
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The FCC claims that because all 10 meter radios on their supposed list are easy to modify that they are dual band radios.10 meter/CB. Look at mods.dk. Most HF amateur radios would fall into that catagory as well. Kenwood, Icom, Yaesu, Alinco, Ten Tec, Elecraft, etc.

Here we go again. WHEN are people going to understand that it is NOT about the ease of which a radio can be modified but rather about the INTENT of the manufacturers to produce an illegal CB disguised as a 10m radio. When a Ranger 2950DX displays the CB channels from 1-40 complete with the "A" channels,that shows INTENT to use it as a CB. The same thing for the radios that have banks of 40 channels. WHY are banks of 40 channels needed to cover one band like 10m? Answer:Because it is easier to keep track of CB channel numbers. It is all about INTENT and is not and never was about how EASY a radio can be modified.
How does the fcc legally define intent?

When you google for 95.603(c), you can see the context of intent:
"the Commission never has stated that the intent to operate in the CB bands can be determined through the actions of a seller of an ARS transceiver."

the Commission's Office of General Counsel released a letter on the importation and marketing of Amateur Radio transmitters, clarifying that transmitters that "have a built-in capacity to operate on CB frequencies and can easily be altered to activate that capacity, such as by moving or removing a jumper plug or cutting a single wire" fall within the definition of a CB transmitter under Section 95.603(c)

So does the rci-2950 become legal if you remove the CB channeling, and have only VFO?

If I take a icom-706 and program memory position 1 to 26.965 onto slot 40 with 27.405, does it now becom a non-certified CB transceiver under the definition in 95.603(c)?
Granted, you cannot prove intent to operate as a CB but it becomes pretty clear about the intent to MANUFACTURE and MARKET a radio for operation on CB frequencies.
You guys amaze me at times. Do you guys ever have time to even run all your fancy radios/amps and equipment ? Ebay police ! This radio is not Kosher ! That radio is not Kosher ! All's that is is a glorified CB radio with 400 channels and 10 bands !

How come after 20 some years being a cb'er and freebander (not much more then 15 up or 15 down , there's also a thing called antenna band with for guys like me) How come I've seldom heard any Hams ,bitching, moaning and growning in my area ? I mean IM talking Los Angeles California here !! and I can only ever remember once about 14 years ago bothering anybody and that was only because I was right around a repeater I didn't even know was there at the time. I stopped and went about my business.

Everybody I know that owns a ticket and Kenwood's / Icoms and Yeasu's all talk on regular cb radio or the freebands with them. Hence ! I said talk , not bitch ,moan or groan about FCC this or FCC that . They know what there up against. They play it cool ! shit ! most of those guys are in there 60s to late 70s !! and they all have been operating since before many of us here were ever born. I've been on this board for 3.5 years and it's always the same people bitching , moaning and growning . WHY WHY WHY ??? Is it out of pure bordom ? Does it make you feel good to play FCC / Ebay or anybody else's rent a cop ?

All's I can say , and from the pictures of others gear through out this Forum , I sure hope that between the bitching ,moaning and growning that you can find the time to enjoy your equipment. My guess would be ,even then, it would only be to somebody else like yourselves that you could bitch,moan and groan about the state of the nation and the FC freak'in C. Are you honestly having fun yet ? I just don't get it ? But then again , IM just a low life outlaw clean power running CB radio S.O.B !!! But !! life is to short (at least for me) for the rest of the "my ways or the highways" B.S. ! .......Same old song and dance routine with this FCC poster , Same ole "shit" , just a different day.......for me .......that would be one gross ass miserable diet , day in and day out. Meaning a diet of "shit".

The mighty QRZ !! The WWRF getting all pumped up because they are number 8 on some list ? I still don't get it ? Seems to me that everybody is right and everybody is wrong one way or the other and if somebody isn't bitching ,moaning and growning about something , there just not happy...or were they ever happy to begin with ? What a miserable way to live. The sad part about that is , they don't look at it that way.

There are many of you that are in the wrong type of hobby and or business , if you honestly care so damned much , you should have been FCC field agents. Peace :)
That's what I really hate about you Switch. You never say what is really on your mind. Allways beating around the bush, dropping a hint here and there but never just coming right out and saying what you mean. :w00t:
Im not much of a reader so i will honestly say i read SOME of what CWM said, everytime i put my galaxy on 10meters. Only the people i know personally who know me knows what i use, all others i pick a random rig and say thats what im using. No one has yet question me. by saying Oh well it sounds like crap. One guy asked if the processor was on and i just said no. And he didnt say anymore. I dont mind using my galaxy for CB or 10 meter use. others are scared, friends of mine out west packed up all of there exports when a big local got tagged by the fcc. What i understand and agree with which i have to side with the fcc on this one is simple. Rules are rules we must all abide by them. So with the power aspect of cb and ham radio i agree. 4 watts am 12watts ssb pep. My side. is obscure but makes sense to me and is similar to the ham aspect. Well as long as you dont bother your neighbor and everyone around is happy. dont worry. And at 140 watts i dont worry at all, i dont come over "anyones" "anything". no complaints yet. i tell my neighbors i have radios and if i bother them dont hesistate to contact me right away. And no one has said anything. a good mark can also be if your not coming over your own personal devices you probably arent comming over others. Not true in all cases, but for the most part i think you'd be safe by judging that way. especially if your antenna is ontop of your house and not on a tower closer to your neighbors place than yours. Now for radios. IF it goes there use it. extra channels. i blame the fcc. put them in use or give them to hams or cb'ers, WHAT IREALLY DISAGREE with are the distance laws. how can you control that. anyways this post is getting long. long and short i say let us use the free band we dont bother anyone. and if we do tell us and we will stop. but calling a 10 meter radio that is silly its a cb they usually sound like crap according to hams so it is what it is. thanks for your time
You guys amaze me at times. Do you guys ever have time to even run all your fancy radios/amps and equipment ? Ebay police ! This radio is not Kosher ! That radio is not Kosher ! All's that is is a glorified CB radio with 400 channels and 10 bands !

How come after 20 some years being a cb'er and freebander (not much more then 15 up or 15 down , there's also a thing called antenna band with for guys like me) How come I've seldom heard any Hams ,bitching, moaning and growning in my area ? I mean IM talking Los Angeles California here !! and I can only ever remember once about 14 years ago bothering anybody and that was only because I was right around a repeater I didn't even know was there at the time. I stopped and went about my business.

Everybody I know that owns a ticket and Kenwood's / Icoms and Yeasu's all talk on regular cb radio or the freebands with them. Hence ! I said talk , not bitch ,moan or groan about FCC this or FCC that . They know what there up against. They play it cool ! shit ! most of those guys are in there 60s to late 70s !! and they all have been operating since before many of us here were ever born. I've been on this board for 3.5 years and it's always the same people bitching , moaning and growning . WHY WHY WHY ??? Is it out of pure bordom ? Does it make you feel good to play FCC / Ebay or anybody else's rent a cop ?

All's I can say , and from the pictures of others gear through out this Forum , I sure hope that between the bitching ,moaning and growning that you can find the time to enjoy your equipment. My guess would be ,even then, it would only be to somebody else like yourselves that you could bitch,moan and groan about the state of the nation and the FC freak'in C. Are you honestly having fun yet ? I just don't get it ? But then again , IM just a low life outlaw clean power running CB radio S.O.B !!! But !! life is to short (at least for me) for the rest of the "my ways or the highways" B.S. ! .......Same old song and dance routine with this FCC poster , Same ole "shit" , just a different day.......for me .......that would be one gross ass miserable diet , day in and day out. Meaning a diet of "shit".

The mighty QRZ !! The WWRF getting all pumped up because they are number 8 on some list ? I still don't get it ? Seems to me that everybody is right and everybody is wrong one way or the other and if somebody isn't bitching ,moaning and growning about something , there just not happy...or were they ever happy to begin with ? What a miserable way to live. The sad part about that is , they don't look at it that way.

There are many of you that are in the wrong type of hobby and or business , if you honestly care so damned much , you should have been FCC field agents. Peace :)

Not sure if you were sticking your finger in MY face with that post or not but I can assure you that I have NEVER played the role of Ebay police. I also have never criticised anyone for running what they do with the exception of class C amps.Let's not go there right now.All I will complain about is the dirty splatter from some over modulated rigs and class C amps as well as those running illegally in the 10m band.I will however try and set the story straight when I see misinformation presented whether you or anyone else likes it or not.Other than that I could not possibly care less what you run.My comments above in regards to ease of conversion versus intended use stand.
I have been following this thread with interest and trying to just sit back, stay quiet and learn but I will throw the following post I made on another forum up for consideration or discussion. It follows in it's entirety and unaltered.........................................

While testing a Radio and Amp on Ch 1 this morning, I heard a voice from the past call out to me using my old CB License call. “KBSE5903, K???B. KBSE5903, K???B”. (I have concealed his call out of respect).

I answered him back and he asked me “What are you doing Boy?” (I am 51 and he still calls me Boy!)

I replied that I was testing a radio and he replied “Radio my a$$, you are running some serious power, at least 250W by my meter”.

I confessed that he was correct, that I was indeed testing an Amp as well to which he replied “I will be over to your house in about 15 minutes”.

Uh-Oh. This is an old family friend who was my Mentor in getting into radio and helped me get my original amateur license in the early 70’s. I just knew he was going to come over and hand me my head.

He did indeed show up in 15 minutes and proceeded to inspect my set-up in my Envoy, My Toyota 4x4 and then marched into the house to look at my bench and collection.

The first thing he did was point out that the 66V in my Envoy was a 10 Meter that was obviously converted for 11 Meter and wanted to know if I had my ticket yet.
I told him that I didn’t, but was studying to test in the future because I was planning on getting back into the whole spectrum again. His next statement is the whole reason for this long post, I thought it might start some debate and some of you might also enjoy his views on 11 Meter.

Here is what he told me word for word.

“You got some good looking equipment, glad to see you getting back into the hobby. If you need any help testing, let me know. I don’t care what you do on 11 Meters, just don’t let me catch you anywhere else until you get your ticket or I will come by here and kick you’re a$$ for being stupid.”

“The FCC needs to get off of their butts and go ahead and open 11 Meters up for power up to 5KW continuous and 10 KW for 15 minutes or less with a break of equal time and shoot anyone who breaks these rules.”

I then asked him about the “Free Band” and this was his reply, again word for word.

“Don’t start that Free Band crap with me! Get your ticket and do it legal. We gave up plenty of spectrum for Citizens Band and it is not too crowded”
“I dropped out of the local Club here and took my Repeater away from them because all they ever wanted to do was whine about the “CB Outlaws” and try to keep the FCC stirred up over 11 Meter usage around here”

“There is plenty of room for everyone to enjoy the hobby and have fun. If you want to use more of the Spectrum than is allowed to you for free, get your Ticket”
What do you think?

My old friend is a certified, card carrying member of Mensa, been a Broadcast Engineer his entire life, has a photographic memory and I believe can engineer or fix anything made dealing with RF emissions and I think, pretty level headed on the whole deal.

I respect his opinions and think he is pretty much “Spot-On” in his assessment.
I have my flame suit on and await opinions and discussion.
In the matter of "extra" channels, they simply do NOT exist! Why do you think the Feds DO fine people for getting ON this so-called "freeband"? First of all, ALL of these frequencies people think are available to use are actually assigned to some use or the other even if they are simply there as buffers or fences to prevent interference between other services. It does NOT matter IF, WHEN, or HOW an assignee uses these frequencies, or if they NEVER use them, they still belong to that agency and it does NOT give anyone a 'right' or a reason to use them. That's not a complaint from ME, it is a simple FACT.

The next issue is, many of those so-called "freeband" frequencies are NOT controlled by FCC, but by a little-known Federal agency called National Telecommunications & Information Agency (or Authority), and it TRUMPS FCC's authority when it comes to assignees of Federal and Military frequencies. This "NTIA" controls many frequencies in and around the CB freqs as well as many frequencies thru out the spectrum. While I cannot reveal which agency or where their frequencies ARE, there are several frequencies around CB that ARE used by said military group(s) and, while they have somewhat tolerated with annoyed impatience the interference from CBers, IF they decide to follow up with complaints, it will be to the regret of those illegitimate users! This could happen sooner than you think due to their use of something called Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) where computerized HF transmitters sample various frequencies from
1.8 to 30 MHZ and the "network" stations "automatically" link up with each other based on the conditions found by the stations' equipment. Instead of manually selecting a frequency, the radios sample the conditions and select the frequency with-OUT the radios and their operators KNOWING which frequency they are actually ON!:drool: They don't HAVE to know the actual operating frequency. So let's say the "network" selects 26 MHZ at random because the conditions for that band indicate that the traffic can be passed using that frequency in that range. BUT, there is interference being generated by illegal "freebanders" there. This is when the manure will hit the fan! Whereas that frequency in that range was usually not selected manually in favor of lower frequencies, it has now been take out of the control of the radio's operator and the computer chip that is keeping records of the performance and frequency data records that the selected frequency is being interferred with! :angry: That's when it will go up thru channels to USAF frequency management, to NTIA, then to FCC to deal with the "freebanders".

Does it sound like science fiction? ALE has been in use since the 50's and was first pioneered during WWII by none other than an actual movie star by the name of Hedy Lamarr (along with a scientist she was acquainted with) This "frequency hopping" technique was mainly used after WWII by the Navy and somewhat fell out of favor. Recently, it has re-emerged as it has several advantages WRT security and the ability to more effectively use spectrum. At least ONE agency is now re-discovering ALE and they have frequency resources near CB. The ALE radios are being gradually distributed NOW as budgets and allocated funds permit! The illegal "freebanding' hobby will sooner or later "clash" with this and other agencies as ALE comes across the "squatters" who have thought that these "channels" were there for the taking. They won't soon BE.

My old friend is a certified, card carrying member of Mensa, been a Broadcast Engineer his entire life, has a photographic memory and I believe can engineer or fix anything made dealing with RF emissions and I think, pretty level headed on the whole deal.

I respect his opinions and think he is pretty much “Spot-On” in his assessment.
I have my flame suit on and await opinions and discussion.

Sounds pretty much like the way I feel with the exception of 5Kw on 11m or any other HF band either for that matter. Totally not needed. No need for a flame proof suit as I see it. :thumbup1:
When talking to him later, I asked him about the power levels he had stated the day he came over to "Inspect" my equipment and he said that was because the "Big Radios" were going to run those levels when they wanted to no matter what the rules so this would at least make them legal.
He also stated that from his monitoring that most of the 11 Meter operators that he heard usually ran 1KW or less.
I have several amps from a 50W up to the Palomar 450 and very seldom use them unless I am talking to one of several friends who range anywhere from 15 to 30 miles away. And then only when conditions warrant. I enjoy getting the Job done with as little power as possible, that is the challenge.
When talking to him later, I asked him about the power levels he had stated the day he came over to "Inspect" my equipment and he said that was because the "Big Radios" were going to run those levels when they wanted to no matter what the rules so this would at least make them legal.
The problem with that way of thinking is just like raising the speed limit. If 60 becomes the legal limit everyone will drive at 65-70. If 70 becomes the limit everyone will still push their luck a bit and drive 75-80 etc.
You guys amaze me at times. Do you guys ever have time to even run all your fancy radios/amps and equipment ? Ebay police ! This radio is not Kosher ! That radio is not Kosher ! All's that is is a glorified CB radio with 400 channels and 10 bands !

How come after 20 some years being a cb'er and freebander (not much more then 15 up or 15 down , there's also a thing called antenna band with for guys like me) How come I've seldom heard any Hams ,bitching, moaning and growning in my area ? I mean IM talking Los Angeles California here !! and I can only ever remember once about 14 years ago bothering anybody and that was only because I was right around a repeater I didn't even know was there at the time. I stopped and went about my business.

Everybody I know that owns a ticket and Kenwood's / Icoms and Yeasu's all talk on regular cb radio or the freebands with them. Hence ! I said talk , not bitch ,moan or groan about FCC this or FCC that . They know what there up against. They play it cool ! shit ! most of those guys are in there 60s to late 70s !! and they all have been operating since before many of us here were ever born. I've been on this board for 3.5 years and it's always the same people bitching , moaning and growning . WHY WHY WHY ??? Is it out of pure bordom ? Does it make you feel good to play FCC / Ebay or anybody else's rent a cop ?

All's I can say , and from the pictures of others gear through out this Forum , I sure hope that between the bitching ,moaning and growning that you can find the time to enjoy your equipment. My guess would be ,even then, it would only be to somebody else like yourselves that you could bitch,moan and groan about the state of the nation and the FC freak'in C. Are you honestly having fun yet ? I just don't get it ? But then again , IM just a low life outlaw clean power running CB radio S.O.B !!! But !! life is to short (at least for me) for the rest of the "my ways or the highways" B.S. ! .......Same old song and dance routine with this FCC poster , Same ole "shit" , just a different day.......for me .......that would be one gross ass miserable diet , day in and day out. Meaning a diet of "shit".

The mighty QRZ !! The WWRF getting all pumped up because they are number 8 on some list ? I still don't get it ? Seems to me that everybody is right and everybody is wrong one way or the other and if somebody isn't bitching ,moaning and growning about something , there just not happy...or were they ever happy to begin with ? What a miserable way to live. The sad part about that is , they don't look at it that way.

There are many of you that are in the wrong type of hobby and or business , if you honestly care so damned much , you should have been FCC field agents. Peace :)

I like it :thumbup:
:thumbup::thumbup: peddler, i second what you said! i'm just too lazy to type it all out.
I like it :thumbup:

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons,
For you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

I perfer horseradish when eaten by dragons:lol::lol:

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