I think that will give him quite a bit wider signal on AM for TX though...afaik the stock filter setup is more like 6k wide.
Factory SSB filters give you a narrower TX and RX and are useful for interference, but the AM filters generally widen you out so you sound better.
At least that is my understanding.
That should give you about 2k wider signal, which is quite a lot more audio information...better fideltiy for sure.
Oh hmmm that's a 6k filter....just looked it up.
Sorry, no. The TS-440 didn't come that way, it was an after market option from 'InRad'.
- 'Doc
yes along with its cousin the 1011c siltronixIs a joke somewhere about where the Swan-net meets, and the Swan 3drifty, but to answer your question without some divine intervention yes they do drift
Every one of them that you've had your hands on may do the fast freq change with a fast spin. But what I'm talking about was a very slow frequency change with just a 'normal' turn of the knob. Not a Mhz per rev of the knob, but a 10 Khz change(?), huge 'fine' tune difference. To the best of my knowledge Inrad was the only source for those modules (or actually it was IRC, International Radio and Crystal, at the time, in Florida). That module was the only thing I wish I had kept when my '440 bit the dust. Oh well.
- 'Doc
What ever that rate of change was per rev of the knob, the module slowed it down by at least a factor of 10.