It has been described that the basket area of the Vector acts in some ways like a coaxial feedline with separate currents on the inside and outside of the basket. That is fine, but...
What keeps the currents on the inside and outside of said basket on their respective sides?
DB, you started this thread and you asked a question in the very beginning. Did you get an answer to your question during all the discussion that followed?
Here again, is what I think in more detail, in case I did not try and answer your specific question.
I do not believe this cone has separate currents on the inside and outside of the basket, specifically, as some would have us believe,more specifically producing CMC's . So, I also don't believe the cone produces CMC on the outside of the radials.
I believe all such currents in the cone area net very close to zero RF, and even less than we see compared to the tips of the radials or the top 1/2 wave radiator...where currents are known to have very little to no currents flowing. These current in the cone area are that small.
IMO, this full cancellation in the cone area would be considered a good thing, because its parallel cancellation virtually eliminates the ill-effects on the pattern from the out of phase currents from the bottom 1/4 wavelength on the radiator, shielding as we understand it. This is unlike the ill-effects we find on the pattern for a 5/8 wave that has series effects between the bottom out of phase 1/8 wave portion, and the upper 1/2 wave portion of the radiator. IMO, this is for sure a net loss for the 5/8 wave, and whatever currents are in the top 1/2 wave are reduced by this 1/8 wave out of phase currents. I haven't compared the currents between these two models, but maybe I'll do that and report back what I find.
There are, however, antenna mode currents on the radials for the basket and antenna mode currents on the radiator inside of the basket, and they flow around and into the near field pretty well. These currents are pretty strong as noted in Donald's Sirio's CST image. However, these currents also have a problem flowing into the far field due to their being out of phase, like coax, and thus they cancel just like theory predicts. Pretty simple stuff the way I see it.
So said another way, if we sum the currents on the radials of the basket we will find the currents on the portion of the radiator, inside, are similar in magnitude and opposite in the sum of the radial currents. Again, when we have currents for two parallel type elements that are equal in magnitude, but opposite in phase...we have cancellation. In this case with the S4 cone we see almost complete cancellation. If there is a net difference between the currents however, the difference can be either constructive or destructive with the top 1/2 wave portion of the radiator, but in any case the radiation will be somewhat insignificant according to my Eznec model.
I can only suggest proof of this by showing currents on my S4 model, and to a lesser degree with my Vector model currents.
I ask only that you have an open mind when considering this as evidence however.
I am working to try and confirm this, so nothing this far is cast in stone. it is just my opinion.