I was going to comment on this. But this horse has been beaten, killed, buried, dug up, and beaten again. Repeatedly.
But what the heck! Here's my $.02 with a little humor thrown in...
I think, while wrong, a couple of truckers wandering onto 28.085 occasionally is NOT the biggest problem facing amateur radio.
What is, is the cesspool down on 75 meter phone. Worse language than I've heard on CB for years. Bunch of drunk hicks cursing and ranting for hours. Usually this is limited to those members of 4 and 5 land. You lost, get over it.
Stupid nets on every @#$%^&* frequency in the 40 and 20 meter bands. You got the "Retirees of the Golden Gate Bridge project" net, the "Amateur Horticulturists" net. The freaking "I went water skiing when I was 12" net, yada, yada, yada. For Christ sakes find a chatroom.
Contests every freaking weekend, sponsored by everyone and everything in the ham radio world. I think this weekend it's the "Hellschreiber 500" sponsored by Geritol...
Hi-Fi SSB'ers sucking up close to 10 KHz of bandwidth when they should be using no more than 3 KHz. Sure they sound great, halfway down the band. Wanna have a broadcast quality sound? Get a job at a radio station. Don't clutter up the precious few KHz we have with your "I have a small penis, so I am compensating but widening my audio" modulation.
Voice keying stations transmitting "CQ Contest" every 15 seconds. If you're too lazy to key the mic and speak, get another hobby! Or worse yet, the moron ops who leave these things engaged and walk up stairs to have a glass of Metamucil, while a dozen stations are calling them with no response.
CW ops on SSB phone calling freqs. Sure it's legal, but damn. You got subbands for CW ONLY! Stay the hell down there and let us phone ops get an edge in wordwise.
QSOs on SSB calling freqs. People who chat on internationally recognized calling freqs should be beaten with a piece of heavy mining equipment.
Butt-munch old farts who think they OWN a particular frequency. I had this problem just the other night on 40 phone. Some cheese-dick thought since he called CQ on the frequency 30 minutes prior that he was now the de-facto controlled of said frequency. Get a life OM. Just because your wife wears the pants in your house, doesn't mean you have to show off how "large and in charge" you are on the radio.
These are problems far bigger than a few truckers.