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Questions about 10 meter tranceivers


May 6, 2012
I'm trying to decide on what kind of mobile 10 meter tranceiver to look for. I've looked online at the Realistic HTX-10 and HTX-100, as well as a lot of the Galaxy, Connex, and Ranger radios. I know all about how and why the export radios are not legal, I know all the ins and outs of what makes them illegal on 11 meters. Legal issues aside, what are some pros and cons of the export radios from a functional standpoint? I have no intention of modifying anything to use on 11 meters, I only want to stay legally on 10 meters without spending a fortune. I don't want something that is going to infuriate other hams by splattering all over the band with echos and roger beeps. I'll use my stock Realistic CB if I really want to communicate with truckers. Thanks for all input.

I'm trying to decide on what kind of mobile 10 meter tranceiver to look for. I've looked online at the Realistic HTX-10 and HTX-100, as well as a lot of the Galaxy, Connex, and Ranger radios. I know all about how and why the export radios are not legal, I know all the ins and outs of what makes them illegal on 11 meters. Legal issues aside, what are some pros and cons of the export radios from a functional standpoint? I have no intention of modifying anything to use on 11 meters, I only want to stay legally on 10 meters without spending a fortune. I don't want something that is going to infuriate other hams by splattering all over the band with echos and roger beeps. I'll use my stock Realistic CB if I really want to communicate with truckers. Thanks for all input.


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HTX 10 has my vote. I have had a couple in the past. Most 10 meter "cb's" will tune in 10khz steps, the HTX10 will tune in 1khz steps all the way acoss the band. good audio with stock mic, and good receive as well.
I know all about how and why the export radios are not legal
That is a common misconception promoted by hams repeating what they've heard from other hams and from a list of "illegal radios" that is supposedly published by the FCC on qth.com. The list of "illegal radios" was published by individuals who were not authorized to do so by the FCC and was not even allowed as evidence in court when the FCC brought charges against Ranger selling their radios in the U.S. BTW, Ranger won their case against the FCC.

There is nothing wrong with a licensed amateur using any type of radio they want on 10 meters, as long as they follow the emissions standards required by the FCC (assuming we're talking about the U.S. here because that's where the term "export radio" is commonly used).

If you want something inexpensive, I'd go with either of those radio shack models or the Magnum 257 (same thing). They're not great radios, but they're cheap and you can have a lot of fun with them on 10 meters. If you want to spend a little more, a Ranger 2950DX that hasn't been hacked up is a decent choice, too.
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I'm trying to decide on what kind of mobile 10 meter tranceiver to look for. I've looked online at the Realistic HTX-10 and HTX-100, as well as a lot of the Galaxy, Connex, and Ranger radios. I know all about how and why the export radios are not legal, I know all the ins and outs of what makes them illegal on 11 meters. Legal issues aside, what are some pros and cons of the export radios from a functional standpoint? I have no intention of modifying anything to use on 11 meters, I only want to stay legally on 10 meters without spending a fortune. I don't want something that is going to infuriate other hams by splattering all over the band with echos and roger beeps. I'll use my stock Realistic CB if I really want to communicate with truckers. Thanks for all input.

then stay away from "export" rigs,... most REALLY are 11 meter rigs sold as 10 meter radios.:pop::D of the models you listed an HTX 10 or a 2950 Dx are the better choice

post a price range for a REAL 10 meter rig (or better yet, a multibander) and see what replies you get

Well, lots of good ideas, but when it comes to mobile work, for me it's all about the Noise Blanker.

I'm currently modding an older Taiwan made Cobra 148GTL for 10m use, as I did my 1st 10m rig when I was first licensed, Novice in '89, and only had a 2000GTL - same board as the 148GTL/Uniden Grant XL.

Got a ton of RAVE reports for the audio on 10m, and the NB is 2nd to none, including Kenwood. I'm using an Astatic 575M6 mic, but the newer RF Ltd 2018X has terrific audio quality, just leave the echo off!

I don't know if you need a simple plug-n-play rig or if you have a little time & patience for modding one, but this requires a newly cut reference oscillator crystal in order to get 10m, plus I have an external Digiscan for it which provides 5Kc steps and offers a reference frequency display.

I'll also need to align the 148GTL for 10m.

I've run several 'Ham' rigs n the car, FT-100D, IC-706IIG, Icom IC-751A, Yaesu FT-101E and have been most pleased by the receiver sensitivity, selectivity, frequency stability & ultra-effective NB of the well designed dual IF Cobra 148GTL/Uniden Grant XL.
- Just DO NOT remove the AMC/ALC transistor or the SSB audio will easily go into flat topping distortion.

I've also had several Rangers, Galaxies, HTX's and RCIs, and that's why I'm going to the trouble to mod a 148GTL.

It will also be a blast to run AM on 29.1 with the 148GTL since it's AM audio quality is loud and close to the sound of an old tube plate modulated rig.

I'll be driving a Texas Star 667 amp for ~500-600w pep filtered by 2 Dentron tuners, a 'Jr Monitor' between the radio & amp, and an MT-3000A after the amp for both harmonic suppression and so I can get a nice 50ohms to the amp with whatever I decide to use for an antenna, such as a long wire when I go camping.
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I have had a TRC-448 and a 148 GTL on Ten meters in the past and they both were good rigs for ten.
It is not as common now as it was during past cycles, but there was a time when it was common to hear these rigs working lots of contacts.
Before the famous 360 FM style radios became common they were an economical way to work the band.
Lou Franklin had step by step instructions in his "CB PLL Data Book" on how to convert most of the popular radio`s up into the 10 meter band, along with ways to broad band the chassis to cover more frequency range.
Have fun!

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Lou Franklin had step by step instructions in his "CB PLL Data Book" on how to convert most of the popular radio`s up into the 10 meter band, along with ways to broad band the chassis to cover more frequency range.


Now THAT would be cool to have published here.
The RCI 2950 DX series of radios work well on 10 and 12 meters, and using the Span feature you can select the tuning steps.
I've got a RCI 2950 DX, tried to get the split to work. Do you need the CTCSS option board installed for it to work? Every time I hit the split button, it just beeps and doesn't want to do anything.... I got to admit, not all radios will tune in what appears to be 100hz increments! Presently, I'm waiting on getting a 10m Antenna, would love a cheap 10m - 12m, but till then I'm also trying to butcher an old Wilson 5/8 wave CB antenna I found to make a 10 meter out of, just till I can get me a real 10 meter in....

You have to program the Split first or it will not work
Look in your manual and it will tell you how to do it.
Press Program
Press Split
Using the SHF button and the vfo knob , adjust the display to read 01000
Press ENT
Go to 29.640.0 (or what ever FM repeater frequency you are going to use)
Press Split again, you will see a (-) in the display, this tell`s you that when you TX it will shift DOWN 100 Khz, if you press shift again, it will show a (+) in the display, this tell`s you that when you TX it will shift UP 100 Khz ( ten meter repeaters use a (-) shift.
Give it a try.
Mine works great on the ten meter repeaters.
You will find that a lot of them do not use CTCSS.
There are a couple of Mfg`s that make aftermarket CTCSS boards that will work with these radio, I have never had to use one.

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