Well, lots of good ideas, but when it comes to mobile work, for me it's all about the Noise Blanker.
I'm currently modding an older Taiwan made Cobra 148GTL for 10m use, as I did my 1st 10m rig when I was first licensed, Novice in '89, and only had a 2000GTL - same board as the 148GTL/Uniden Grant XL.
Got a ton of RAVE reports for the audio on 10m, and the NB is 2nd to none, including Kenwood. I'm using an Astatic 575M6 mic, but the newer RF Ltd 2018X has terrific audio quality, just leave the echo off!
I don't know if you need a simple plug-n-play rig or if you have a little time & patience for modding one, but this requires a newly cut reference oscillator crystal in order to get 10m, plus I have an external Digiscan for it which provides 5Kc steps and offers a reference frequency display.
I'll also need to align the 148GTL for 10m.
I've run several 'Ham' rigs n the car, FT-100D, IC-706IIG, Icom IC-751A, Yaesu FT-101E and have been most pleased by the receiver sensitivity, selectivity, frequency stability & ultra-effective NB of the well designed dual IF Cobra 148GTL/Uniden Grant XL.
- Just DO NOT remove the AMC/ALC transistor or the SSB audio will easily go into flat topping distortion.
I've also had several Rangers, Galaxies, HTX's and RCIs, and that's why I'm going to the trouble to mod a 148GTL.
It will also be a blast to run AM on 29.1 with the 148GTL since it's AM audio quality is loud and close to the sound of an old tube plate modulated rig.
I'll be driving a Texas Star 667 amp for ~500-600w pep filtered by 2 Dentron tuners, a 'Jr Monitor' between the radio & amp, and an MT-3000A after the amp for both harmonic suppression and so I can get a nice 50ohms to the amp with whatever I decide to use for an antenna, such as a long wire when I go camping.