Here's a thought . . .
If Uniden dumped this Jackson radio design in the early '82 (after all; remember they didn't warranty it); they may have done so because they felt it had too many flaws. They only made it and released just one year. Back when it was made, everyone thought it was just too cool and wanted one. Very high probability that the FCC was in their grille about it too.
So, Ranger gets the idea to copy it and builds it verbatim and tries to sell their copy in '84 - knowing of the radio's demand/sales potential. After all, Uniden just dumped that radio.
Uniden finds out about Ranger's ambition to copy their design and says 'No you can't copy it nor sell that copy; we still own that patent on that radio for x amount of years to come'.
'If you try to sell it; we will sue you for copyright infringement'.
So; they ('Ranger') had already built some and were now forced to let them sit in a warehouse and rot. Mind you; Ranger copied and built from the original design; give or take just a few minute changes. FCC steps in again and says 'oh no you don't' to Ranger as they try to sell them in the US as they did with Uniden - fair to say.
Sooo, after several years goes by and Uniden didn't renew their patent rights on this radio - because it was a big AM flop and they didn't want to waste money renewing that patent - Ranger can now sell this old stock to a distributor and that distributor can now sell them to retailers because there is no standing patent right to be infringed upon. So, Ranger thinks it can get away with no warranty responsibility because they let a 2nd party handle the transactions to the dealers/retailers. So; who is the mystery middleman? That has yet to be made known. The FCC is lax at this point in time and really doesn't care that they sell them any more, just so long as the import duty is collected from them.
Now; that makes sense to me at this point. . .