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Radio Shack Closing Up To 1,100 Stores

Remember their ad slogan, "you've got questions, we've got answers..."?
I joke on a local repeater when someone goes there looking for a part with, "you've got questions, we've got cell phones..."
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For a while I worked part time for Ritz Camera when they got the silly idea that they wanted to start selling cell phones. I remember saying to our district manager no one is going to come here and buy a cell phone and trying to change to a consumer electronics store was the death toll. What do you know I was right and now Ritz is gone.
You used to see a lot of the "mom and pop" radio shack stores around here. they would have anything you wanted electronics wise. I haven't saw one of those in a while. if you think about it the signs of demise have been in place for several years now not just the last 8 qtrs as stated on NBC. They dropped the realistic name in place of radio shack on all their products a few years ago. As I said they stopped the yearly catalog. I know the Internet killed the catalog but still there are those of us that like to sit in the recliner and flip the pages. They done away with police call. Again, another Internet killer but still I enjoyed having that book. They changed their name to "the shack" all signs of drowning in deep water. Now that grecom has went out of business i guess they'll stop selling scanners altogether. The most important one of all is the fact they started shifting from middle aged knowledgeable employes to young kids that have no clue whatsoever on the products they sale. They know how to type your phone number in the cash register and ring up the sale. That's about it.
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They closed the store that was on my side of town, yet left two open that were only about a mile and a half away from each other (on the other side of town). The lady manager that ran the store knew her stuff, and actually knew what PL-259 connectors were, and where they were in the store. :laugh: She was well known by the local CB'ers and Amateurs, but I guess not enough of us went and bought enough merchandise to keep the doors open. The only upside to this is that I got some great deals on clearance merchandise.

I also think they have lost sales due to the current state of scanning. It is in a funk due to all the cities and counties going digital/encrypted. I know there is still stuff to listen to out there, but it's getting more and more difficult every day.

And having people that don't have a clue about what they have in the store doesn't help, either. I'm with several others here... I miss the old days of going to their store, getting the new catalog every year, and spending hours looking through the thing at what I wanted to buy. I actually got my first base station antenna there... a quarter wave ground plane, and if I remember right, it cost me about 14 bucks. Those days are long gone!

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Lafayette Electronics ! Yup I agree "UNIT 194" back in the good ole days ! Radio Shack was always my second go to for parts tubes gadgets ,antennas etc Lafayette always had more stuff in my area anyway !
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You would think that someone in Fort Worth would maybe get the idea to
put the "RADIO" back in Radio Shack.
Stop making sense! LoL

RS coax I've used was pretty decent, and available when I needed it.. I don't like going into these major chain stores like Malwart for one or two small items where I have to park three blocks away and wait in line behind ten offensive-looking people with grocery carts filled with Twinkies, Ho-Ho's and junk food. I'd rather pay a little bit more for a knowledgeable mom n pop store than deal with the brain-dead nitwits at the Chinamart
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Lafayette Electronics ! Yup I agree "UNIT 194" back in the good ole days ! Radio Shack was always my second go to for parts tubes gadgets ,antennas etc Lafayette always had more stuff in my area anyway !

Lafayette Radio had a great catalog and well stocked stores!
Their demise is their own doing. I asked a worker if they had cb radio equipment and I got directed to a boom box. The only thing sad about it is that I think the locations are privately owned. However, their own fault for not properly training staff.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
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these aren't the Droids you're looking for


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