A couple weeks back during a severe thunder storm, my random wire antenna broke.
This morning I slapped together a new one, it's a little shorter than the original, but I did that to try and keep it out of the foliage.
Evidently I hit on a bad length, the original would tune up great on 75/80 meters, and also do a good job on 40 meters. I could never get it to tune up on 20, 17, or 10 meters, but it would do on 12 and 15, not great, but ok.....
This new one does 75/80 just as good as the original, but it's the only band it'll tune up on, I can't get below a 2.5:1 on 40 meters, and forget about it on anything else....
I'm not really concerned about the upper register from 17 to 10 meters since I get that on the Big Stick, I have a 20 meter dipole that does very well, but I 'd like to get 40 meters out of this wire since I took down the 40 meter dipole I had up....
Guess my next move is to make another coil, and maybe next winter after all the trees are bare I can get a rope over a different branch and add some length to this thing......
This morning I slapped together a new one, it's a little shorter than the original, but I did that to try and keep it out of the foliage.
Evidently I hit on a bad length, the original would tune up great on 75/80 meters, and also do a good job on 40 meters. I could never get it to tune up on 20, 17, or 10 meters, but it would do on 12 and 15, not great, but ok.....
This new one does 75/80 just as good as the original, but it's the only band it'll tune up on, I can't get below a 2.5:1 on 40 meters, and forget about it on anything else....
I'm not really concerned about the upper register from 17 to 10 meters since I get that on the Big Stick, I have a 20 meter dipole that does very well, but I 'd like to get 40 meters out of this wire since I took down the 40 meter dipole I had up....
Guess my next move is to make another coil, and maybe next winter after all the trees are bare I can get a rope over a different branch and add some length to this thing......