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Don't know. They hired an engineer to design it. Here's a picture of one. Supposedly several different designs. Mine was shipped today by UPS so should have it by the weekend
Nugatons...I had one of those...And it was a knock-off of the Monkey...Think I bought it from Premiere Electronics, or Pacetronics...forgot now...It was a well built heavy antenna...When I bought my first 10K, I sold it to a local who still runs it on his Big Rig Rock Haul'er...
As far as the Nugatron antenna, this was a very good antenna for my applications running freebands in a semi truck. Bought this a long time ago from Diamond Jim out of Oklahoma. But i will keep my Bronco Buster. It does better then the Nugatron and the Monkey made and the Stryker antenna out of Oklahoma.
Coax question. I just put up a new Sirio monsoon base antenna with 100’ of rg8u coax testing with myMFJ antenna analyzer shows 1.4 swr at 26.965mhz and a 1.1 at 27.405 mhz . When I checked the ohms it’s steady a 30 ohms across the entire bandwidth.
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