at least someone is weighing in now that gives a fuck
YEEHAW !!!!! :headbang:headbang:headbang
Maybe there is hope for this "FORUM"
Personally I could care less what you do with your radios, however bad info is an all-together different thing.
at least someone is weighing in now that gives a fuck
YEEHAW !!!!! :headbang:headbang:headbang
Maybe there is hope for this "FORUM"
YES !! IT IS !!!
on the other hand , IT IS LEGAL for a LICENSED AMATUER RADIO OPERATOR , to own one of these and use it on 11 meters ,
PROVIDED , he or she , operates it under the legal power output limits
provided for the 11 mtr band . ie 4 watts dead carrier am
also , he or she can operate with the same impunity .
as the rest of the Crowd
no call sign , roger beeps ,noise makers, profanity ,etc, ,
as long as its under the legal power limit
to use any band or frequency ,or any means at their disposal !
necessary to carry out emergency
radio traffic , pertaining to life or property saving measures .
to facilitate aid or relief ,
for the unititiated, that means
that I CAN get on the frequencies the COPS USE , and announce
a life or death emergency .
Provided its for real , and I readily indentify myself
it is illegal for anyone other than a LICENSED AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR
to operate these rigs on 11 meters .
they are not "TYPE ACCEPTED "
its doubtful that any thing useful will come of this thread ,
other than to point out the fine points of the law
and spark further argument !!!!
Read up on the rules Fella's , and get yur ticket !!!!!!!!!!
a lot of guys choose to learn the rules
and get a ticket to the whole other world of radio !
Read up on the rules Fella's , and get yur ticket !!!!!!!!!!
IT"S a Whole nother world !!!!
Happy Trails
You can use anything you want on the ham bands providing you have the ticket and are following the emissions standards for the modes used. However, I think the question was if it is legal to use 2950dx on the CB band? The answer is "No, Not ever". It doesn't matter if you are following the proper power levels or any other CB requirements; it's still not legal. Does that mean that the FCC will come knocking on your door if you do that? Unlikely, unless you piss the wrong person off. The FCC gave enforcement rights to local law enforcement a few years ago. Local law enforcement doesn't know a CB from a VCR. The FCC only acts on complaints when it comes to the CB band. Be responsible and you won't have any trouble. But that's a different question than, "is it legal?".
I stand Corrected ,
I'll go sit in the corner now
Haha! I'd say probably most of the "commercial" sport fishing boats here do that, and a whole lot of the private fishing guys do, too. (Ocean fishing is my obsession, but no boat yet ). One reason they do this is because there are a few frequencies that are actually allocated to vhf marine that are not on most of the vhf marine radios. A lot of the fishermen hang out on these frequencies. The other reason is because they can get a little more power output.I know several licensed HAM's who are also boaters and fishermen that find it far more convienient to install one 2m radio in their boat's console, and program it for the VHF Marine frequencies they need, and use just one radio for two purposes. The VHF Marine band has 80 some channels, the average boater only needs or has use of 10 to 12 of those channels, the rest are a waste of space unless you are in the Coast Guard Auxillary, or in a State Police Marine unit.
You call them "The old heads"....I call them "Armchair radio lawyers"....the QRZ forum is full of them, and I ignore them like an ugly school girl.....
I'm a licensed ham and have gotten the attitude because I'm working 10m on a Dragon SS-497....(export radio).....
The way I see it is like this.....I'm on the bands that I tested for, and I'm licensed to operate on, I'm not using excess power, as a matter of fact the radio I have is QRP at a whopping 12 watts PEP on SSB, and 4 to 6 watts PEP on AM & FM.....I think my neighbor's TV set is safe for now......
Personally I don't have a problem with CB'ers running a little heat....I was guilty of that at one time, and I don't have a problem with freebanders as long as they don't cause malicious QRM on the ham bands.....
Is using an export radio the fine definitions of part 97.....probably not, but will the black suites show up with a citation and confiscate your gear....probably not either......
There's skirting a rule or two, and there's breaking the law. We've all driven faster than the posted speed limit, rolled a few stop signs, or gunned it to beat a changing traffic light. That doesn't make you a criminal, and using an export radio on a band you hold a license to operate on doesn't either.....
But that's just my take on it......your mileage may vary.......
The RCI-2950dx is not type accepted by the FCC for the reason it has deemed it an illegal radio due to the nature in which it is easily converted for 11 meter band use and therefore is not legal for sale in the U.S.A.YES !! IT IS !!!
it's intended for amateur radio use on 10 and 12 mtrs
but ,thats not gonna discourage enterprising 11 mtr operators
from taking one and "opening it up "
the manufacturer and radio dealers openly skirt this issue
because they want to sell radios !!!!!!
and they'll tell you anything you want to hear to git yur money !
unfortunately these rigs have gotten a bad rap
because a lot of 11 mtr ops , have done this "PRECISELY"
and wander down on ten mtrs :blink:
i've even seen threads on this forum about unlicensed operators
using these freqs:sad:
By the letter of the law ,
it is not legal for 11 meter operation
for unlicensed operators!!!
and just because you own one and use it on 11 meters
does not mean "THAT ITS LEGAL "
on the other hand , IT IS LEGAL for a LICENSED AMATUER RADIO OPERATOR , to own one of these and use it on 11 meters ,
PROVIDED , he or she , operates it under the legal power output limits
provided for the 11 mtr band . ie 4 watts dead carrier am
also , he or she can operate with the same impunity .
as the rest of the Crowd
no call sign , roger beeps ,noise makers, profanity ,etc, ,
as long as its under the legal power limit
A HAM Has the Authority to operate any "TRANSMITTING DEVICE he or she chooses
as long as it follows the rules for the band or frequency its being operated on , as long as he or she has the LEGAL AUTHORITY to operate there
meaning ,basically that hams have the same privileges on 11 mtrs
that all the unlicensed people do
but that unlicensed operators do not have priveleges on licensed HAM Bands !!!
furthermore ,
to use any band or frequency ,or any means at their disposal !
necessary to carry out emergency
radio traffic , pertaining to life or property saving measures .
to facilitate aid or relief ,
for the unititiated, that means
that I CAN get on the frequencies the COPS USE , and announce
a life or death emergency .
Provided its for real , and I readily indentify myself
little wonder
a lot of guys choose to learn the rules
and get a ticket to the whole other world of radio !
will the fcc do anything about it - unlikely!
its a good rig , well suited for operation between 12 and 10
it is illegal for anyone other than a LICENSED AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR
to operate these rigs on 11 meters .
they are not "TYPE ACCEPTED "
but that wont stop anybody will it ?
its widely held that a HAM will know how to control his PEP
and modulation to hold it under the LEGAL LIMITS
or , he or she will be subject to prosecution or fines
if they do not ,
meanwhile , the rest of the 11 mtr world .
who cant be traced , can do whatever they wish and CROW about it
and are unlikely to get POPPED !
doesn't mean you wont get caught ,
its very unlikely you will :bored:
but you dont need to come here and argue your point
IT"S ILLEGAL , End of story
its doubtful that any thing useful will come of this thread ,
other than to point out the fine points of the law
and spark further argument !!!!
Read up on the rules Fella's , and get yur ticket !!!!!!!!!!
IT"S a Whole nother world !!!!
Happy Trails
The RCI-2950dx is not type accepted by the FCC for the reason it has deemed it an illegal radio due to the nature in which it is easily converted for 11 meter band use and therefore is not legal for sale in the U.S.A.
The RCI-2950dx is not type accepted by the FCC for the reason it has deemed it an illegal radio due to the nature in which it is easily converted for 11 meter band use and therefore is not legal for sale in the U.S.A.
I gotta Say , i am getting one hell of an education Today !
I've been told and it is clearly stated That an amatuer radio operator
can operate anything he chooses as long as it is legal for the frequency it is being operated on , and the operator has the necessary privileges
to operate on that frequency ,
if a ham can get a garbage can to resonate on the ham bands
then its perfectly legal
And how is it any easier to convert a 2950 compared to say, something like the icom-706?
I think the real reason the 2950 was put on the banned list is because the display can show the CB channel number instead of just frequency.