After recently buying a used 2970 DX and doing some research, I've discovered that maybe I've been had! All of the pics that I've found that show the bottom of the 2970 DX model, show it too have a rather large heat sink on the bottom! The one I payed good money for has a small heat sink on the rear of it!
Can anyone tell me something besides I have been ripped off with a 2950 DX in a 2970 DX case?
I haven't hooked it up yet to see what it's doing.
I'm hoping someone will tell me that I have an older one or something that tells me that this is in fact a 2970 DX, but just has a different heat sink configuration!!!!
Can anyone tell me something besides I have been ripped off with a 2950 DX in a 2970 DX case?
I haven't hooked it up yet to see what it's doing.
I'm hoping someone will tell me that I have an older one or something that tells me that this is in fact a 2970 DX, but just has a different heat sink configuration!!!!