No, it's not hacked up. As you know, the freq's are changed by moving a diode/jumper - so there's no cutting of parts. The guy I bought it from had it set up for 10-11 meters, ir was also tweaked and peaked. Haven't put it on a meter yet - either. Since it has all of the major features that one would want, there is really no need for it. It is pretty new, has only a couple of nicks on it but missing the mic clip and a couple of thumbscrews. Bought it off a guy from eBay. Hooked it up to a K-40 and a power supply just to hear it recieve and play with the functions a bit. Never keyed it up, just checked it out. It really is an amazing bit of workmanship for the price. I'm impressed with it, really. The channel up/down on the mic was a mystery, until I took a closer look at it. Pretty neat how they did that - IMO.
I have antenna problems right now. I'm ready to get a 5/8 wave Maco and just get it over with at this point. Tonight I'm going to decide to either fix that $%^&* $15 garage sale antenna I have now, or go online and buy a Maco V5/8/5000 and settle the issue. I like aluminum, I used to haver a Big Stick years ago and they just aren't the same animal. Aluminum has always been my faviorite, I hope the Maco lives uo to expectations.