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RCI 99N2 - 300 Watts?

The question is not what it does ON 6 meters but what does the spurious radiation do TO 6 meters.

Maybe just a rhetorical question because most operators don't care.

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If thats the sound that you like then why not,
I would not bother with any power mods as the difference between a good tune with factory settings and the hot rodded rig in the video is not worth the stress on the components in my opinion.
the echo takes away from the audio but different strokes for different folks.
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The question is not what it does ON 6 meters but what does the spurious radiation do TO 6 meters.

Maybe just a rhetorical question because most operators don't care.

Wow .... what an oddball change-the-subject trolling. The Answer is again NOTHING unless you are operating on 6 meters and you are concerned about a CB'er in your neighborhood getting one of the rigs and tell us what the chances of THAT are.
Wow .... what an oddball change-the-subject trolling. The Answer is again NOTHING unless you are operating on 6 meters and you are concerned about a CB'er in your neighborhood getting one of the rigs and tell us what the chances of THAT are.
The spurious emissions are what he's talking about.
Several locals had N2 radio's that were doing 300+ watts 2-3 years ago, they both lasted maybe 4 months. One got all new finals installed and blew up about 2 months later and he got rid of the radio. The other guy sold his broken and a local tech bought it and replaced the finals and then re-tuned it doing the correct factory wattage. That radio is still on the air today.

Even if you upgrade some parts forcing a radio to do what it was never intended to do is usually a bad idea. But that's the way this cb radio hobby works most of the time. People always think more is better.
You can hear the Over-Fuzz-dulation on audio peaks, there is no fold back (mod-limiter) to smooth it back to sinewave audio. And adding reverb to the audio makes it even more fuzzy.
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I got the answer I figured I would get........

"most operators don't care"

Just like the hams in the 60's ~ 80's and beyond who talked away on their TV Sweep Tube Finaled Yaesu 101's and Kenwood 5xx's and blew away their neighbor's OTA TV reception. You're pissing in the wind. Will a CB splatter box put some interference out on 6 meters? Probably .... if they're close enough to each other. 6 meters is pretty much only open in June and July. I operate there and I have never gotten any spurious interfence .... ever. Interference and bleedover in all it's many forms is nothing new and radio operators have been putting up with it and creating work-arounds since Marconi. That's what we do. Get a grip
I have a N4, and it will splatter like a bug on a windshield. Trick I did was not open my Audio wide open. I never run a power mic at all. This is in my Pick-up since my Pill amp is about 60 watt max. My Heathkit will take 90 I guess but it gets the same 60. I dont like to burn my stuff up, but have before. Simple stuff you know leave the N4 amp on and key down your 2X8. God that stinks! No amp in there now, I'll put a straight 16 in there maybe this spring. My N4 runs about 350-500 with the stock mic. I will add something they love to receive any noise around you. Florescent lights are the worst. If you want trash out any radio will do that you can even amplify the trash. So keep the modulation under control and it will be fine. As 50 goes, just turn on the 706 or ts50. Put it in a 8 pill they will come running, or add a switch in the SB220 to a shorter coil it will tune up on 6m with an easy 1k. Wire Weasel, think I'm in a senior moment too. Have great time folks I'm out.

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