This all reminds me of no less that two Uniden PC 244's I had recapped a year ago - or so. One was my radio and the other was for a local op. Had much the same results you did testing all of the removed caps.Whenever the topic of "recapping" comes up it typically follows that some may say "recaps are unneeded". In general I have no problem with that as, at some point, it is up to the owner to make that call.
To that end, I have always wondered..... "how bad do they get"???
At this point I have replaced 35 caps in my SBE Console V (ONE of them I have excluded from this test, as I pulled one of it's legs out when removing it. GOT to DESOLDER the RIGHT HOLE!!!!)
What I have done here, just for giggles, is to run each cap that I have already replaced (not quite finished, a handful more to go!) across my ESR tester. Just one of the little cheap-o Chinese ones.... no lab insstrument!
I did this to get an idea how bad things were across the radio as a whole.
The more experienced here will most likely already know statistics like this.... the less experienced here might enjoy seeing what I found and get more a "feel" of their own as to whether they should or should not commit to a recap. As always, your mileage may vary!
Please watch the units on the capacitance measured. Some were so bad that I believe the tester thought they were not electrolytics and so did not show an ESR value. A small few.....failed to even read as a working device. It is what it is!
(PS I hope the formatting turns out right!)
Marked Measured ESR
1 uF 66.15nF -
1 uF 1.293 uF 34
1 uF 268.2 nF 0.14K
1 uF 1.467 uF 0.14K
1 uF 529 pF -
1 uF 867.5 nF 0.14K
1 uF 1.356 uF 0.14K
1 uF 42.46 nF -
1 uF 617 pF -
1 uF 6.032 nF -
4.7 uF 6.437 uF 5.9
4.7 uF 6.328 uF 10
4.7 uF 6.382 uF 9.9
10 uF 217 pF -
10 uF 102 pF -
10 uF 114 pF -
10 uF 117 pF -
10 uF 4.187 uF 0.14K
10 uF 6.135 uF 0.14K
10 uF 77 pF -
22 uF 35.81 uF 20
47 uF 18 uF 0.14K
47 uF 583 pF -
47 uF 3.939 nF -
47 uF 50.15 uF 7.3
100 uF 175 uF 30
220 uF no reading
220 uF 310 uF 3.4
220 uF no reading
220 uF no reading
220 uF 311 uF 5
220 uF 292 uF 8.7
2200 uF 2736 uF 20
3300 uF 3726 uF 21
Both radios had been aligned and both work flawlessly now.
In fact, my PC 244 is my daily driver.
It is just that good.
Sure would like to hear that you had as much luck with your results for your project.
Any/all info for this radio that you can provide here is much appreciated!!!