Alright, here it is... Thirty six possible names were generated from the user base after Trivia last week. Those thirty six have been paired down to SIX by "nomination" from the user base.
You must be a registered user of the forum to vote, and you must be a member of this site to register for the forum! If you're not a member of yet, please take the two minutes needed to register (totally painless & spamless, no foil hat required), then click on the link "How to Post to the K9KAO/N6DTO Forum" to become a member of the KAO user group.
You'll then get ONE vote for the name of your choice from the six listed above. The winner will be announced after Trivia next Thursday night (1/10).
You must be a registered user of the forum to vote, and you must be a member of this site to register for the forum! If you're not a member of yet, please take the two minutes needed to register (totally painless & spamless, no foil hat required), then click on the link "How to Post to the K9KAO/N6DTO Forum" to become a member of the KAO user group.
You'll then get ONE vote for the name of your choice from the six listed above. The winner will be announced after Trivia next Thursday night (1/10).
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