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RF Limited CR-577 Mic Review

I a HI powered export or any export sounds good with the right stock microphones. But cant beat that 575 and that 2018.....

that demonstration says it all when it comes to class C or AB1 on SSB.
very nicely done!

BTW, i also did the bob85 "bass control" mod to my M6B and i LOVE IT!!!
turns an M6B into a 575 in essence.

although i dont use power mics much anymore, it is still my favorite.
That demonstration also was done using the bob85 modded d-104
Just talked to Sam Lewis @ RF Limited concerning the CR-577 delivery date.
It looks like there is a limited number of these mics that will be on the shelves within a week and a half at all of the six major dealers of Magnum products.
GI Joes CB's, etc...
I think it sounded much like the Road Devils....

yea but ONLY when the tone was set high.once they cut it back way sounded
alot better.imho the road devil isnt that great thier very tinny especially
on ssb. there not much louder than the 636l.for the money the 104m6
is way more of a mic than the road devil.and imho i think the
new rf limited ranks right with the d104m6b with a better sound
Been using the CR-577 in my mobile the last few weeks...
Set the mic @ 5 on both the mic gain and tone control and used it with my Galaxy 99V with the mic gain on the radio @ the 3 o'clock position. I can see the meter move much farther/swinging much better than my D104 ever did while on SSB mode with the same mic gain setting. Talked to 1125 central FL today from San Jose CA with it, as conditions were favorable. This mic has proved to be a real screamer to me, blows away my favorite Astatic D104 handheld mic. I never thought I would see that happen! I really like this mic a lot, it has truly impressed me. I recommend this mic. Any apprehension I had about it is gone.

Should be on the shelves/in stock any day now.
That was a wonderful review! Complete with a total break down of information, video and picture. I like the RF Limited products and my contact person is Eric Lewis.He gave me three of the Xtreme 2018's, for posting a great review . I forecast that the CR-577 will be a asset in this hobby. Some many microphones are just about pre set depending how they are built many sound too bassy or sharp for the operator. Heck we can spend many $$$ finding the right one to match up to your voice. Without extra audio gear you can use this microphone and match your voice, then your radio will work for you. I will be buying one, well many two. I have to admit you modulation was on the high side. I do videos of myself ( I love doing videos of myself )when reviewing it allows me to made the final adjustments. The Cobra 2000 GTL I have is the reference radio for judgements are made for me. Take care...Bulldog
glad to see ya here bulldog :) .
your reviews are always well done and i hope you start posting them here . ;)
any word on these robb? ive tried many power mics in mobile
but for dome reason i keep going back to my st-65dx.i liked
the d104m6b but on ssb it was a litlle tinny sounding imho.
it just squeaked past the st-65 in the audio but i had it
cranked up high to do oit.also tried a rf limited 2018 turbo
very good sounding on ssb but mine ended up with a broken
wire just below the mic were the cord starts.not sure how
to fix it if ya can.this new mic without echeo is just
what im looking for good sound without all the bells and whistles
You will have to contact your favorite Magnum/RF Limited dealer and see if they have them in stock. They probably don't update their websites often enough for changes - so one cannot go by that. I know RF Limited had begun to ship them last week so they should be on the shelves.
Bulldog's RF Limited CR577 Ceramic Microphone

I purchased a CR577 from Sparkys CB Shack. Wicked nice price of $47.95 but I think he has a limited stock of them. Here are some good close up pictures.






My Experiences On The CR577!

The CR577 is a real nice sounding microphone. Probably one of the very best. My girlfriend Country Girl remarked one day driving home from work, "sound pretty darn nice"! I have used the ceramic microphone on a new version Cobra 148 GTL & Cobra 29 LTD "Black Chrome" Edition. Both radios have swing kits and dead key about 2.5 watts and modulate to about 12-14 watts. Tested the CR577 against the Xtreme 2018 and Astatic D014-M6B. It edged out the Xtreme and way better than the Astatic! RF Limited has a real winner, but...

When I try to test this microphone one my other radios inside a hum/transformer noise can be heard in the background. Something like a rf leak of some sort. I have a Cobra 29 LTD "Army Strong" Edition hooked up to a Pyramid PS-12KX power supply. No matter what distance the microphone is away from the power supply it has that issue. I even located the power supply further from the radio but no difference. Hooked up a vehicle battery inside the house and still has the light hum. Rewired the microphone to my 28 year old Cobra 2000 GTL and was the same issue. In every case if I key up the microphone with one hand and touch the chassis with the other the hum would go away. On the Cobra 2000 GTL I had rf feedback. Touching the chassis stopped it. I tried all the little tricks to get rid of the hum but no luck. When I touched the chassis to stop the hum the microphone sounded choice. Hooked up through a custom echo box with a RF Limited Turbo echo board was unreal for sure!

In conclusion I called RF Limited and talked with Sam Lewis. He told me it will get fixed and send it to The Radio Shop. Chris Holland is the developer of this microphone. So off it went to California with a full discription of my tests and the issue with the hum/transformer noise. Can wait to get it back so I can continue my tests and start making those videos. I love making videos of myself.

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