Not ideal if its a door but if you insist then a mount using the bolts which fix the mirror to the door is better than one that clamps around the mirror arms and you'd need to make some braid straps to bond the door to the body. What about mounting on a front fender?
Going back to the picture you posted, if that bit of the bracket that the antenna socket went through was bolted directly to the body rather than clamped around the metal bit you have welded on then that would be quite good. An alternative is if that black bracket it clamps round could be remade so its in an upside down L shape with a hole in for the antenna mount and welded in the same position to the rear quarter that would improve things. Clamped around that metal bracket as it is isn't really the best.
Depends on how much butchering up of the car you want to do. Hole in the roof isn't only the best option for performance but is usually the tidiest way of doing it. Stick a base loaded antenna (K40/Sirio 5000 etc) on it with a long flexible whip and the whip should have enough bend in it that you don't really need to keep removing the antenna to go under low overhead objects. My Little Tarheel 2 has a 6.5ft long whip on it and I regularly go under low overhead objects such as height barriers where they're only a couple of feet higher than the bottom of the whip so it gets folded over at a right angle. Never caused an issue. Here's a picture of it. If it doesn't cause an issue on that with a Tarheel mounted with a lip mount then a K40/Sirio 5000 shouldn't cause an issue being roof mounted on yours.
Iwhen i said panel i ment rear quarter likejust under the 4x4 sighn. Yes i mean to eliminate the clamping an put the part that i need flat an thru bolt. I no the wilson 5000 an othrs r prob. Better but im partial to firestiks.Not ideal if its a door but if you insist then a mount using the bolts which fix the mirror to the door is better than one that clamps around the mirror arms and you'd need to make some braid straps to bond the door to the body. What about mounting on a front fender?
Going back to the picture you posted, if that bit of the bracket that the antenna socket went through was bolted directly to the body rather than clamped around the metal bit you have welded on then that would be quite good. An alternative is if that black bracket it clamps round could be remade so its in an upside down L shape with a hole in for the antenna mount and welded in the same position to the rear quarter that would improve things. Clamped around that metal bracket as it is isn't really the best.
Depends on how much butchering up of the car you want to do. Hole in the roof isn't only the best option for performance but is usually the tidiest way of doing it. Stick a base loaded antenna (K40/Sirio 5000 etc) on it with a long flexible whip and the whip should have enough bend in it that you don't really need to keep removing the antenna to go under low overhead objects. My Little Tarheel 2 has a 6.5ft long whip on it and I regularly go under low overhead objects such as height barriers where they're only a couple of feet higher than the bottom of the whip so it gets folded over at a right angle. Never caused an issue. Here's a picture of it. If it doesn't cause an issue on that with a Tarheel mounted with a lip mount then a K40/Sirio 5000 shouldn't cause an issue being roof mounted on yours.