The first RM amps I bought needed conversion (pre-2005 I think) but all the ones recently worked right out of the box. That KL203 will like 1w to 1.5w deadkey and swing from there. For AM as long as you keep the deadkey down low they will last a long time. On SSB I've even used them with dual final radios - RCI2950, Lincoln II, etc and even swinging 40w into them they worked great and had no issues although they are best suited to a standard CB. With your McKinley just set the RF power at low (1 to 1.5 watt) and you should be able to use that combo for years. When talking on SSB you may want to set the RF power back up to max to see a good 125W out of the amp - JUST DON"T FORGET to turn the RF power back down when you switch back to AM
you don't want to key 4 watts into a KL203 for extended periods of time by accident.