Yes, the corners “should” be rounded, but that’s not a difficult operation on ones own. There’s a point where a hit nearer the antenna base than not — IS — going to damage sheet metal. Rounding won’t prevent that damage.
As to insulators, one can request custom-made.
I think it fair to point a reader towards reviews where a component or a part of component was altered to the buyers satisfaction.
Which then begs the question of gear received un-altered.
In my case I’ll plead less than stellar job list organization.
Were it me making this stuff, anyone would think Breedlove cheap in comparison. I’ve not the experience, thus the time allotted per piece would be high.
There’s not competition at this price level. Nor in quality going higher in price until one hits MIL-SPEC.
With whatever reservations, I’m proud to own something of this quality.
Ten years from now I’ll feel the same (is a pretty easy bet).
So, an angle grinder to cut corners held in a vise.
A little more to cap the short points remaining.
I already figure to order a few spares.
If a different insulator is part of that, then . . . .