It's arithmetic. You cut a wire that feeds both the driver and final together. Bridge the cut with the current meter.
First turn both bias trimpots VR13 and VR14 for zero current. This is your starting point. Turn VR14 first, for 60 mA. Next turn VR13 so this reading increases to 100 mA.
That's what I would use, 60 mA for the final, and 40 mA for the driver. Since you can't isolate each and make a separate measurement, just use arithmetic to set the final first, then add the driver current to that reading.
First turn both bias trimpots VR13 and VR14 for zero current. This is your starting point. Turn VR14 first, for 60 mA. Next turn VR13 so this reading increases to 100 mA.
That's what I would use, 60 mA for the final, and 40 mA for the driver. Since you can't isolate each and make a separate measurement, just use arithmetic to set the final first, then add the driver current to that reading.