Well time to contribute back to the forum...
My uncle sent me 28 editions of this cb repair manual he purchased long ago dating back to the 80's.. I found this royce in there and figured I would share.. If anyone knows how to do the channel mod they list plz feel free to comment... Also I will be updating this to show where T402 is located, as my wife and her tricks found it with a dental mirror.. The board is verticle making it damn near impossible, I bent a screwdriver, as well as cut this plastic on small to fit in there to turn the pot.. She is doing 4w Swinging to 15 @ 12v
Official Royce 1-680
Adjust T402 for maxium RF output
Cut D301 for 100% modulation
Take pins 6 and 5 of PLL1 high (7.2v) for more frequencies..
The last line is in question as I am willing to try this as my cobra already had this done, but I dont have a freq counter to tell what freq they are
UPDATED: Added Images of locations of T402 & D301.. T402 cannot be seen without use of a reflective mirror, so I wanted to help anyone with this radio finding that baby
Radio check verify mod is good with D301 clipped.. but clip it like I did incase in the future you want to put it back.. Toe nail clippers work quite well