The very same the page he printed and posted above (post #1) shows the diagram on what equipment is needed and how it is put together for the radio under test. Its all in the service manual - as you and I already know.i think he is wanting to know where to hook up the rec meter to get the reading. I have a old vtvm meter and I hook it to the speaker leads or plug it into the external speaker jack. I have a BK1040 that has the swing meter on it so it hooks straight to the ext speaker plug. make sure you turn off the anl/nb/ controls and rf gain and squelch are all turned for full listening of the radio. trying to make this as simple as I can for you to understand. what gets me is you have to do step 1 to align then it says in step 2 the same as step 1. you ask about step 2 and not step one. not sure if it clears up what you asked.
Hey; you are trying. Keep on trying. When I first started doing this just a few short years ago, I felt like a pig on roller skates. Not much of it made sense. So, keep on trying, and keep on asking questions. There are others like you that have the same questions. Many on this forum helped me considerably get there, and I appreciate it still.Thanks Mike, that's what I was looking for.
I'm thankful for the help, but it's funny when I first asked for help on this form I was told to get some old radios, I did, get the right equipment, I did. When I asked about that equipment I was told to reread the manual, I did. Now I'm told to leave it alone.
Robb, Yes I did see the page of the manual where is shows the hook up, but without someone explaining what a "audio VTVM or AF VTVM" let alone where or how to hook it up doesn't make sense unless I know why and yes I thank you for your info on the sinad software. By your above answer should I assume that you use only sinad?
Sonoma, I watch everything I can on the tube, if you or someone who point me to any videos/photos showing me any RX setups would be helpful.