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I found a MINT in the box SBE console 2 at a yard sale for $10.00! It trasnmits stock power, is on freq however, from it setting for so long it wont receive..... Anyone have any ideas?
Nice find. I have one too. It suffered from a dead front end. Some of these had a super noise blanker option. I think I just had to replace the first stage rx amp (a transistor), but you might check your caps for signs of any leaking.
Nice find. I have one too. It suffered from a dead front end. Some of these had a super noise blanker option. I think I just had to replace the first stage rx amp (a transistor), but you might check your caps for signs of any leaking.
+1 on the caps. Although they have been sitting unused, they still go bad.
Does it have any noise what so ever? Does the s-meter move? By transmitting with a nearby radio do you see any life in the SBE?
Any noise at all? check audio stage first,Speaker ,PA. TX audio, ssb and am. Then see if there is any movement on the meter with strong sigs . Then move to the rx stages as stated. One of those cheap sig injector pens from Rat shack can be a great help in finding rx problems.
I just acquired one as well. My brother's truck broke down in the local Walmart parking lot. Both our trucks were there with antennas and an elderly man asked stopped and asked if we were from the neighbor hood. We said yes and he explained he's getting a new roof on the house and would like to give us his superscanner 3 antenna and SBE console 2.
Took an hour to get it down and 2 more hours of beer and conversation. Met a new friend.
I need to refurb the antenna a bit, but he console looks mint. Can't wait to get it hooked up.
Coax question. I just put up a new Sirio monsoon base antenna with 100’ of rg8u coax testing with myMFJ antenna analyzer shows 1.4 swr at 26.965mhz and a 1.1 at 27.405 mhz . When I checked the ohms it’s steady a 30 ohms across the entire bandwidth.
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