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Scary Snake Radio "Setting Up" President Lincoln II V3

im not a tech but i can tell you in 5 years that radio he just modify will die,he just went out and beyond and ruined the warranty as well as the specs
Boy you must have a crystal ball or be able to see the future you should be very proud of that lol

So what I detect is that Snake Radios put out a call to his loyal followers to come and counter the mean people on a forum.

Am I correct @DavidB?

Well it is obvious someone has been shaking the trees. Several new members have fell out and are posting for the first time here bragging up Snake radios. All i will say is even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then. Not EVERYTHING Snake does is bad........just most of what he shows in his videos.

See guys this is what I was talking about in the poll I started.

I wonder how much longer this thread will last.
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Sir this is my radio i got from Tim at snake radio customs.

I think.

It works flawlessly and not one issue everyone i speak with says it sounds great and is dead on frequency so for you to bash tim at snake radio customs you have no idea.

All it tells me is that your a happy customer!
If you are who you say you are.
I am happy that you are happy!

I did not pay any big premium for the setup the whole setup and expansion and his upgrades was 65.00 plus 14.00 shipping over the e bay price.
What needed to be set up?
I have like a half a dozen of these. They don't require a "setup" just a resistor to get them onto CB. So, if you were charged what you were for the time and expertise his price is his price. But effectively that's all these need.

I am very happy with the radio and tim was very helpful with me and my antenna setup and his service is second to none.
That's called customer service. And it's a cost of doing business.

Just because he does things different then everyone else so what. The only thing that matters is the end result. Nothing surface mount was touched on the radio it did not need to be. If anything goes wrong with it in the first 30 days Tim fully
warranties it and takes care of issues.He does not ask you to send it back to the manufacturer like 95% of techs out there.
That's sort of the problem here.
Once he gets his fingers into it there is no real expectation of a manufacturer warranty. What i will bet dollars to doughnuts that he will undo whatever he did and send it in for warranty repair anyway. Even if he breaks it.

These radios have poor quality control out of the box as you could see in the video and if im going to spend the money on a new radio I want it to last for many yrs .
I have several. No quality control issues here.
If they had a quality control issue there would be far more people screaming about it.

So you are all way off base and if you have not bought a radio from Tim who has thousands of happy customers for a good reason your opinion means absolutely nothing in the real world . Shame on you!
What about the people that have come forward saying they got a raw deal?

He is allowed to make 30.00 per hour just like you are allowed to make what you make if you have a job. So you all are just bashing someone to be mean and cruel. stop your madness and let Tm be Tm please.

You know what?
I watched a few of his videos where he proclaims this a whole bunch of times.
It's one of his talking points.

And I have not seen anyone in this thread question his "rights" or what he is "allowed" to make.
Not EVERYTHING Snake does is bad........just most of what he shows in his videos.

I do have a few good things to say to contrast against.

1. He seems to try his best to make them look nice and presentable.
2. He clearly pays attention to detail with that in mind.

Taking them all apart, cleaning them out, and so on.
Yeah, he is being paid for it but he seems to have decent work ethic in that regard.

The other things? Yeah. Just bad service.
I just wasted 18.57 of my life to watch video from post 1.
I will not comment it, because I do not want to be banned here for vocabulary I could use.
But.... 4A at 14V with 50% efficiency of PA circuit won't give 68W AM no matter how hard he try.

Ummmmmm.......yeah that would be about 28 watts at most. 14V at 4 amps is only 56 watts INPUT so how could he get more out than he put in? It's things like THAT that make people criticize him.
This is humorous and sad. There is no way that a customer is coming here, creating a sock account, and singing the praises of any technician like this. The only time a customer is as tenacious as that is when they are angry, not when they are satisfied.

I highly suspect that DavidB is Tim himself, or someone quite close to Tim himself.
This is humorous and sad. There is no way that a customer is coming here, creating a sock account, and singing the praises of any technician like this. The only time a customer is as tenacious as that is when they are angry, not when they are satisfied.

I highly suspect that DavidB is Tim himself, or someone quite close to Tim himself.

Well I can see IP addresses but that does not mean someone is not spoofing it.
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Well I can see IP addresses but that does not mean someone is not spoofing it.
Well, I guess the IP can be traced to the area, but in this day of VPNs and TOR, it is quite easy to show up with an IP address that is not original.

Any way you look at it, it is highly suspect.

I don't know anything about this Tim guy, other than what I've seen of his videos, but just the video posted here shows a ton of unnecessary work, ugly solder joints, and misplaced pride. If I were him, instead of defending myself by proxy, or by pretending to be someone else, I would come here myself and defend my actions.

Of all the things I've seen done to radios, what he does isn't that terrible. Just very questionable in terms of efficacy.

One thing that he could easily defend, in my opinion is him spraying out a radio with liquid cleaner that I saw someone making fun of. I totally submerge boards every day in water based cleaner when I put them in my ultra sonic cleaner, and I never have a problem. I've taken devices that were extremely dirty and put them in the sink, sprayed them out, and brushed the boards while running water over them. This is something I have been doing for many years, and it has never once caused a problem. I tend to avoid that except on the most disgusting of radios, but it is about the only way to deal with some things, such as cockroach infested electronics that are full of feces and bug parts.

Overall, I can see why people make fun of the guy, but the way this guy is trying to defend him is ridiculous. It smacks of disingenuousness, and appears to be more likely to be someone put up to it by Tim, or to be Tim himself rather than a rabid fan.
This is humorous and sad. There is no way that a customer is coming here, creating a sock account, and singing the praises of any technician like this. The only time a customer is as tenacious as that is when they are angry, not when they are satisfied.

I highly suspect that DavidB is Tim himself, or someone quite close to Tim himself.

You should never underestimate the desire of a person to defend an idol or someone they look up to, or just to defend a decision they made.

This is the same arguments with "Snake Radios" as it is with "Fine Tune" or even iPhone owners. It starts as a sort of "epeen" war then it turns into infatuation.

The owners of these products or that have received these services do not want to be told or to hear that they were ripped off, made a bad decision, or that they did not get what they thought they got.

You can show the person that got this horrible work done just how horrible it is, and they are still just fine with it and will defend it no matter what.

See this video:

For an example. See the resistors used?
See how they were installed, and why he said he did it?
Would you want this being done to your radio?

This video is shockingly bad.
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You should never underestimate the desire of a person to defend an idol or someone they look up to, or just to defend a decision they made.
The owners of these products or that have received these services do not want to be told or to hear that they were ripped off, made a bad decision, or that they did not get what they thought they got.

You can show the person that got this horrible work done just how horrible it is, and they are still just fine with it and will defend it no matter what.

Sounds just like an election I know of. :whistle:
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Are you aware that the Title of the video is for "BRUCE" - and your name is???


Sir this is my radio i got from Tim at snake radio customs.


The very first thing they see is the reason why you should never trust the seller...whom claims they have to REPAIR / REPLACE / REBUILD / GO OVER - a perfectly good working radio WITHOUT the customer present - this is baloney, SPAM - BS!

Tells me that the customer has to make the choice - if they want it bad enough - what they have to pay extra to get it - and whatever happens - costs are still placed on the customer.


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