Wasn't really sure where this should go, but figure the hams would best be able to answer.
I recently got an SDR, installed the software, and since a 10/11 meter antenna is all I have at the moment, decided to connect that to see what I can receive.
The antenna is a half wave & can be tuned for 25 to 30MHz, but I was surprised to find that I'm easily able to Rx the local FM radio stations, air traffic, NOAA, and tons of short wave stations from around the world.
The SDR is Rx only from 500KHz to 1.75GHz and I haven't had the time yet to scan all bands.
My question is, since this is Rx only, is this antenna all I need? Will I be missing anything without using a discone?
I recently got an SDR, installed the software, and since a 10/11 meter antenna is all I have at the moment, decided to connect that to see what I can receive.
The antenna is a half wave & can be tuned for 25 to 30MHz, but I was surprised to find that I'm easily able to Rx the local FM radio stations, air traffic, NOAA, and tons of short wave stations from around the world.
The SDR is Rx only from 500KHz to 1.75GHz and I haven't had the time yet to scan all bands.
My question is, since this is Rx only, is this antenna all I need? Will I be missing anything without using a discone?