This is Mike's bench. The "useless" piece of equipment in question belongs to the man who works at and owns this bench.
I'd go with what the captain suggested. Which I would take to mean it will be of some use without a scope but most likly works to it's highest potential in combonation with the use of a scope.
The likely hood of someone purchesing a model number 4040 Stabilock communications Funkmissplatz test center without owning a scope in the first place would be like buying a six cylinder mustang with the intentions of running it in the 24 hours at lemans. It's gonna go around the track but without a 800 hp, producing turbo charger under the hood and the countless other modifications, it's for all intense and purpose, pointless.
I challenge any golden screwdriver to own such a complete work bench never the less known how to properly use and put this high caliber equipment to the use for which it was intended.
Just because someone owns a scope, voltage/amp meter and a 45 year old ef Johnson cb radio test center doesn't make him a tec. I think the lable tec gets thrown around way to easily.
Therer are tinckerers, golden screwdrivers, then there's thoses who know more then tinkerers and golden screwdrivers combined but still shouldd not be concidered a tec.
I don't know how many years one needs to have of hands on exspeariance not to mention the books charts and years of schooling It takes in order to be a "licensed" tec.
The tec who any company like yaesu, icom, ameritron and the company's that employ the people who get sent out to diagnose and repair a radio station's 50.000 watt transmitter at 4 am when it begins acting up or completely fails.
Now I'm not intentionally putting any one person down so I won't use his name and I'm just using this person as an example of the many so called tec's. I've watched quite a few youtube video's of this guy who builds, modifies repairs cb, hf transcivers and amplifiers in his discombobulated garage/work station. With wires and cables going in every direction. And video camera tapes himself doing repairs while chain smoking cigarettes at the same time he's sticking his fingers and blowing smoke directly into someones opened equipment while placing his half empty bottle of open soda on the same 4 x 4 piece of plywood he refers to his bench. And hundreds of people refer to him as one of the best tec's in the business. I wouldn't trust this guy with a single piece of radio gear no matter how small or simple the needed repair. Yet this guy's praised as one or the greatest tec's out there.
It took me almost a year to find Mike. It's difficult to not only find a person who you can trust won't dig around in your equipment looking for the cause of the problem but, will most likley know what the proplem and the way he will repair it just by the verbal explanation you'll give him of the issue.
That's what mike does and he's proven it with every repair he's done on my equipment and, the hundreds if not thousands or pieces of gear he's repaired and continues to do so everyday.
I don't know what captain kilowatts storey is but by reading the answers , advice and communications equipment postings he leaves on a daily basis there's no doubt in my mind his background must be one in the field of communications equipment repair and or fabrication. Did CW do this as his career and for a living i don't know for sure bt either way i would have no problem trusting him with absolutely any repair no matter how large.
I would be surprised if he wasnt a tec as to me the knowlage he puts fourth on this site speaks volumes. From what i gather C/K basically only work on his equipment. besides all the free technical advice he dispenses almost daily. I'm accually not sure if I made the point I was going for which was there's much less true technicians out here then there's those who front and are little more than tinckerers.
I guess what id like to get across is for those who can't repair there own equipment like myself, once you find one who's professional and is indeed aab true technician don't let him det s Wyoming. You may never find exactly what you were always looking for and may never find another especially when it comes to tube equipment. Their a dying breed. Literally.
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