The real Q may be why any of you have a television turned on.
my tv is off.was on early watching lone ranger then lassie at 8 amThe real Q may be why any of you have a television turned on.
i can live without it,lectric was out 9 days,wife was goin batty without her beloved tv.i said rather pleasent with the damm thing off.With respect (not aimed at any one person or persons):
I was using a kinder way of asking why any would have a TV in their house? They hate themselves and their children THAT much?
I turned it off when I was 16. Have never owned one.
Plenty of folks tell me they don’t watch much. Or, “really, not at all, just some movies”. I volunteer to let them store it at my place the next 13-weeks.
Never had a taker.
The electronic babysitter castrates all who sit in front of it. No exceptions. Nothing NOTHING has been as destructive a device as TV. There’s no “upside” to TV.
A corner got turned in November 1963. That weekend marked the point America glued itself to the Tube.
There’s a distinct relationship between TV hours & IQ. Not favorable. The same holds for being well-informed (assuming information about important events is even known). That’s tip of the iceberg. The emotional defenses are the thing to look upon.
The lies found in any medium are difficult enough to wade through. But TV (as with any vids) is in charge in its realm. It’s all about FEELZ. Special snowflake having a meltdown over what the Leftists are up to.
Want something with some teeth? Phil Giraldi has been smoking hot in his articles the past couple of years (as has been the proprietor) at THE UNZ REVIEW.
The latters American Pravda series (start summer 2016; move to Summary page to link) has enough referential books to keep one suitably occupied.
You want anger? Try the real thing.
1). Phil’s 2017 article on the USS LIBERTY is as good a start as any.
2). Next go to Ron’s article on Sidney Schanberg writing about Vietnam POWs and John McCain (from 2010).
Stick with the lengthy attached comments. Plenty to learn therein. And have fun with the antics of the Hasbara and others to cloud or de-rail what is patently clear.
These weren’t new to me, although many details were. The info was out there more than forty years ago.
With just these two — and many other subjects — most folks didn’t care then and don’t care now. Any leader of any institution included. Even the so-called smart ones. It’s lowest common denominator, or nothing so far as “national discourse” goes.
One reads or one doesn’t. Those who don’t (effectively) can’t.
Given the prospect of internal war getting closer — and increased censorship — I would like to strongly recommend learning what one can.
Doors are open for a short time. And people like you & me (and our betters) have been connecting the dots due to the Internet. That door is already closing.
It’s not enough to be able to transmit & receive. Content matters. (Would you willingly put this licensed skill of Radio in service to liars? “You” won’t have a choice without better info & reflection. Relying on assessment of character due to general ignorance is for fools).
Unlike TV one’s feelings don’t matter. This isn’t kindergarten. Original sources are linked for those who wish to disagree.
I’d imagine the effect will be that “you” will now understand why media (every type) is run & controlled by six corporations. Versus more than 2,000 circa 1970. (Why cheap Central Bank money, Wall St and the Mob were all used to effect this starting back in the 1930s).
And there’s much MUCH more on that banquet table.
Try out those two articles.
As before, with respect.