It is easy to dump on the lowly 11m, but there are jerks any class. You know? my 11 year old can pass a HAM exam after studying for a week. Is that really what makes you think you are better than someone else? I think it is silly for anyone to be looking down their noses at anyone. Shame on all of you who do. You know, I played with a lot of radio freqs that are off limits to HAMs when I spent 6.5 years as in infantryman, and you know what? I still like playing with a CB. I like all radios. Sure there are jerks on 11M. Sure, when I hear so much echo that I can't understand what they are saying, it is annoying. I ignore them and talk to the clean stations. But to dog on the whole community because of just a few is ridiculously arrogant. On one side there are the crude CBers and the other side is the snobby HAMs. How childish that is. I thank God for all of the rest of you who just want to make some contacts and chew the rag a little. You make the hobby enjoyable for us all. My 2M mobile spends more time as a mobile scanner for public safety than anything else. Why? because there is hardly anything but static otherwise. HAM is a dying hobby. Why do you think the FCC dropped morse code? HAM provides a critical function in cases of emergcy and there aren't enough operators anymore to provide it. The FCC needs to lower the bar because no one cares about radios anymore. They are doing everything they can to bring more people in. Is that better or worse for you? The number of new licenses being issued are so far below those that are being lost. With these kinds of attitudes I don't wonder why. Stop scaring away and discouraging some of the would be "decent" operators. I am sure that most who read this will scoff at what I have said, but in 15 years when you turn on your rig and hear nothing but silence in your speaker; you can sit in and remember the glory days, when the bands were popping with activity, and how good it used to be.