I'm not sure I agree with cheaper on AM.

Plenty of DX on 160 AM in the winter but usually only during nets.
Most of the AM on 75 in the evening are usually low carrier with peaks of 100-130, some are 30-40 peaks. Round tables are generally Ind, where I am, Mich, IL, Mo, Tenn, Ala, Ga, Tx, WVa, Ny, Pa, Nj, you get the idea, not really local but no dx usually this time of year. I use a Gap Hearit and it eliminates the hash and I only hear static crashes, but you hear that on SSB as well. Interesting the Gap sounds natural on my tube Drake C-line set, but not so much on the Icom 7600. The AM groups are usually good people who encourage new ones getting into it and are happy to help.