After reading this and your post about the 257hp it concludes a few things for me. #1 I'm a fu**tard in your eyes #2 by your comments your exactly why I won't become a ham (that I'm better than you attitude.) What I don't understand is if your a licensed ham and have all the bands to work why does it bother you so much that people free band around 11 meters? I am even able to say yes I'm proud of you for being licensed but I don't want your bands I like my 11 meters.
Robb yes my wife allows multiple radios but I don't have a lot of room on the desk so I like mobile radios and as I only go from 26.705-27.905 and usually stay on 27.385LSB I can't see buying a $500 ham radio but I am thinking about a 257hp but don't tell jazzsinger this he might blow a vein.
I'm not trying to piss off anyone but this is getting crazy with all the ham versus cb B.S. If your so against 11 meter then stay on the ham forums and stay happy. I'm not a ham and I stay away from your forums.
I have no idea whether your a cb nuckfugget or not bamm bamm, but you definately don't read too well.
firstly i'm NOT a ham, i have NEVER been a ham, i WILL never be a ham.
secondly i don't have loads of bands to operate on, i operate anywhere in the spectrum i want because quite frankly i don't think governments have any rights to any naturally occuring phenomenom.
if you'd re-read both the posts you quote from me you'll realise i am totally against ham style activations on 11m, i grew up on 11m when people talked to each other and the "greatest dx'er in the world" in italy
(pmsl) was begging people to join his very humble group at that time, just before the ego landed, 27.555 was nothing more than a twinkle in aldo's eyes back then and 27.455 was the int call frequency.
i'm glad you happy for me being licensed,lol, i ain't ever been licensed for sh!t, a license only tells you that you can do things, if i know i can do these things,wtf do i need a licence for? this is a minor point the legal beagles of this world often overlook.
i'm glad you ain't gonna buy a 500 dollar ham set, cause you don't need one,funnily enough neither do i, i'm quite happy using a 20 year old president richard (if you know what that is), i doubt you really need a magnum 257 either, but hey thats your business, i only say what i see about magnum radios.
i certainly don't have a i'm better than you attitude, but i do give honest opinion,usually based on facts which some people don't like, f@ck them, i'd rather give people honesty than cb or ham bullshit.
if i'm the sole reason you never become a ham, i'll sleep well tonight, your far better off on cb, its far less pretentious.
do i have issues with hams coming on 11m?
no, as long as they don't bring their ham p!sh with them.,shite like saying hi hi instead of laughing etc.
do i mind cb'ers pirating ham frequencies?
no, good luck to them if they want to inflict such tediousness upon themselves, each to their own, me personally the only time i listen to ham radio is the local group on 2m, sure beats the fuck out of counting sheep
i think you get the jist of why i choose the cb forum most often, but because i use cb or 11m freeband or anywhere else, doesn't mean i have to agree with half the bullshit and hype i hear or read on forums.
lastly i don't have an issue with cb v ham bullshit (both have good and bad), just bullshit in general.