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Sierra Fox DX group?


Instigators ...173 on the southside.
May 24, 2010
I joined Sierra Fox and I received a e mail from Wade the one in charge and I'm confused. Sierra Fox is labeled as a 11 meter dx group but in the e mail I got it let's me know that Sierra Fox group uses channel 27.420LSB as the home channel. I am using a Galaxy DX949 with extra channels but All my channels end with .xx5 and even with my unlocked clarifier I can't slide that far. I don't get it am I the only one confused by this or am I just stoopidd?:confused1:

You're missing half the action on the freeband,many DX'peditions and SES use the "zero" frequencies.You're 949 is capable of more slide and should have no problem reaching the zeros.
I joined Sierra Fox and I received a e mail from Wade the one in charge and I'm confused. Sierra Fox is labeled as a 11 meter dx group but in the e mail I got it let's me know that Sierra Fox group uses channel 27.420LSB as the home channel. I am using a Galaxy DX949 with extra channels but All my channels end with .xx5 and even with my unlocked clarifier I can't slide that far. I don't get it am I the only one confused by this or am I just stoopidd?:confused1:

Don't beat yourself up over this...
Since ch 40 is 27.405mhz; then obviously 27.420mhz is just slightly above it. Your radio probably gets 27.425 but cannot slide 5kc's enough to get to ~27.420mhz. If/when a radio is converted to slide that far; it tends to be a bit unstable and goes off-frequency too easily.

Obviously, you either need to get another radio that will slide that far; or can reach the 1/2 channels when the clarifier has been modified for such. A lot of DX club guys use either an export radio or a converted Ham rig. A used Export radio for $200 might be the deciding difference of spending $500 for a decent used Ham rig! I'd go with the cheaper export radio to keep wifey happy - IMO. Unless - of course - she allows you to just have one radio. In which case, I would then go with the Ham rig - hands down . . .
You're missing half the action on the freeband,many DX'peditions and SES use the "zero" frequencies.

activations and dx'peditions ain't action, they are fake stations set up to con the gullible out of money and kid them they've worked some exotic place (ever wonder why they are so easy to work? yet real stations from these locations are much more difficult, then again real stations on 11m generally don't run huge beam antennas with massive power, its them working you,NOT you working them), if thats all he's missing then i doubt he needs to worry about working zero's.

if i don't want to talk to pepe or pedro in spain or italy, i sure as f@ck don't want to talk to them when they've set up a station in somewhere that makes them a bit less drowned out in local competition, and i certainly ain't paying for a poxy qsl either.

its about time all these nugget hams and ham wannabes and aldo wannabes on 11m took all this crap back to the ham bands where it belongs, leave 11m to the guys that still know how to hold a qso and consider it a pleasure to qsl freely. if i want a 5/9 report i'll ask some knobhead in my city for it.
its about time all these nugget hams and ham wannabes and aldo wannabes on 11m took all this crap back to the ham bands where it belongs, leave 11m to the guys that still know how to hold a qso and consider it a pleasure to qsl freely. if i want a 5/9 report i'll ask some knobhead in my city for it.

After reading this and your post about the 257hp it concludes a few things for me. #1 I'm a fu**tard in your eyes #2 by your comments your exactly why I won't become a ham (that I'm better than you attitude.) What I don't understand is if your a licensed ham and have all the bands to work why does it bother you so much that people free band around 11 meters? I am even able to say yes I'm proud of you for being licensed but I don't want your bands I like my 11 meters.

Robb yes my wife allows multiple radios but I don't have a lot of room on the desk so I like mobile radios and as I only go from 26.705-27.905 and usually stay on 27.385LSB I can't see buying a $500 ham radio but I am thinking about a 257hp but don't tell jazzsinger this he might blow a vein.

I'm not trying to piss off anyone but this is getting crazy with all the ham versus cb B.S. If your so against 11 meter then stay on the ham forums and stay happy. I'm not a ham and I stay away from your forums.

After reading this and your post about the 257hp it concludes a few things for me. #1 I'm a fu**tard in your eyes #2 by your comments your exactly why I won't become a ham (that I'm better than you attitude.) What I don't understand is if your a licensed ham and have all the bands to work why does it bother you so much that people free band around 11 meters? I am even able to say yes I'm proud of you for being licensed but I don't want your bands I like my 11 meters.

Robb yes my wife allows multiple radios but I don't have a lot of room on the desk so I like mobile radios and as I only go from 26.705-27.905 and usually stay on 27.385LSB I can't see buying a $500 ham radio but I am thinking about a 257hp but don't tell jazzsinger this he might blow a vein.

I'm not trying to piss off anyone but this is getting crazy with all the ham versus cb B.S. If your so against 11 meter then stay on the ham forums and stay happy. I'm not a ham and I stay away from your forums.

I have no idea whether your a cb nuckfugget or not bamm bamm, but you definately don't read too well.

firstly i'm NOT a ham, i have NEVER been a ham, i WILL never be a ham.

secondly i don't have loads of bands to operate on, i operate anywhere in the spectrum i want because quite frankly i don't think governments have any rights to any naturally occuring phenomenom.

if you'd re-read both the posts you quote from me you'll realise i am totally against ham style activations on 11m, i grew up on 11m when people talked to each other and the "greatest dx'er in the world" in italy
(pmsl) was begging people to join his very humble group at that time, just before the ego landed, 27.555 was nothing more than a twinkle in aldo's eyes back then and 27.455 was the int call frequency.

i'm glad you happy for me being licensed,lol, i ain't ever been licensed for sh!t, a license only tells you that you can do things, if i know i can do these things,wtf do i need a licence for? this is a minor point the legal beagles of this world often overlook.

i'm glad you ain't gonna buy a 500 dollar ham set, cause you don't need one,funnily enough neither do i, i'm quite happy using a 20 year old president richard (if you know what that is), i doubt you really need a magnum 257 either, but hey thats your business, i only say what i see about magnum radios.

i certainly don't have a i'm better than you attitude, but i do give honest opinion,usually based on facts which some people don't like, f@ck them, i'd rather give people honesty than cb or ham bullshit.

if i'm the sole reason you never become a ham, i'll sleep well tonight, your far better off on cb, its far less pretentious.

do i have issues with hams coming on 11m?

no, as long as they don't bring their ham p!sh with them.,shite like saying hi hi instead of laughing etc.

do i mind cb'ers pirating ham frequencies?

no, good luck to them if they want to inflict such tediousness upon themselves, each to their own, me personally the only time i listen to ham radio is the local group on 2m, sure beats the fuck out of counting sheep;)

i think you get the jist of why i choose the cb forum most often, but because i use cb or 11m freeband or anywhere else, doesn't mean i have to agree with half the bullshit and hype i hear or read on forums.

lastly i don't have an issue with cb v ham bullshit (both have good and bad), just bullshit in general.
Wow Jazzsinger I guess I do owe you an apology as I did read that wrong.:oops: I thought you where saying that the hams should get the 11 meter band. I feel like a total moron now. But anyway I guess in many ways we do agree but I don't understand your dislike of the 257hp? All I have found is good reviews of it? I will admit echo can be annoying if over used or used on SSB (I don't use it there). It also sounds like we have the same views on the FCC and their laws. As far as you sleeping well knowing I won't get licensed.......You should be able to sleep well the rest of your life cause It ain't gonna happen here. Sorry once again and you can now officially refer to me as "FU**TARD" as I now feel like one. Hopefully there are no hard feelings.
Wow Jazzsinger I guess I do owe you an apology as I did read that wrong.:oops: I thought you where saying that the hams should get the 11 meter band. I feel like a total moron now. But anyway I guess in many ways we do agree but I don't understand your dislike of the 257hp? All I have found is good reviews of it? I will admit echo can be annoying if over used or used on SSB (I don't use it there). It also sounds like we have the same views on the FCC and their laws. As far as you sleeping well knowing I won't get licensed.......You should be able to sleep well the rest of your life cause It ain't gonna happen here. Sorry once again and you can now officially refer to me as "FU**TARD" as I now feel like one. Hopefully there are no hard feelings.

The trouble with being human BammBamm is we sometimes leap in with two feet without reading properly, i always read twice/answer once.

You don't need to apologise, we all get shit wrong occasionally, it takes a real person to admit it.

as for hams getting 11m, its about time the public got the full 26-28 mhz all mode and up to 26dbw pep power, its 3 decades or more overdue.

there is many things that concern me about the magnum 257, build quality and badly thought out frequency selection are just two.frequency stability is another.so adding high power (read excessive heat) to a radio thats already temperature sensitive on frequency stability is suicidal. they have good points too,size being the main strength with modern cars having little space to mount export style radios.

echo is a thread unto itself, it certainly has no place in transcontinental ssb dx, if you want to use it on AM/FM fire in, you'll just be one more of millions who mistakenly think it adds anything positive to audio,only thing that improves audio is clarity.

the fcc and any other govt dept involved in making excessive amounts of money from the rf spectrum i have no respect for at all.

like you i have no intention of ever being licensed, but that don't mean i couldn't easily pass the tests. i just have no interest in boring things like digi modes,d star,5/9 fake reports,competitions,flattering others fragile egos, or anything else ham radio has become, once upon a time i would have got into amateur radio, back in the days when the tests actually meant something, but i lost interest in radio after being busted for 11m ssb activity,

i guarantee that had i done so i would have been well back on 11m ssb years ago totally disillusioned with what ham radio and to a huge degree cb radio has degenerated into over the past 3 decades. even my beloved 11m freeband has degenerated beyond all recognition, in no smallway down to all the "ham wannabes/cb experts" who turned it into another your 5/9 and your progressive number is 5 billion and 21, joke.

there is absolutely no hard feelings from me Bamm Bamm, i'm often misinterpreted.i'm very grateful i can sleep well long term;)
The trouble with being human BammBamm is we sometimes leap in with two feet without reading properly, i always read twice/answer once.

You don't need to apologise, we all get shit wrong occasionally, it takes a real person to admit it.

as for hams getting 11m, its about time the public got the full 26-28 mhz all mode and up to 26dbw pep power, its 3 decades or more overdue.

there is many things that concern me about the magnum 257, build quality and badly thought out frequency selection are just two.frequency stability is another.so adding high power (read excessive heat) to a radio thats already temperature sensitive on frequency stability is suicidal. they have good points too,size being the main strength with modern cars having little space to mount export style radios.

echo is a thread unto itself, it certainly has no place in transcontinental ssb dx, if you want to use it on AM/FM fire in, you'll just be one more of millions who mistakenly think it adds anything positive to audio,only thing that improves audio is clarity.

the fcc and any other govt dept involved in making excessive amounts of money from the rf spectrum i have no respect for at all.

like you i have no intention of ever being licensed, but that don't mean i couldn't easily pass the tests. i just have no interest in boring things like digi modes,d star,5/9 fake reports,competitions,flattering others fragile egos, or anything else ham radio has become, once upon a time i would have got into amateur radio, back in the days when the tests actually meant something, but i lost interest in radio after being busted for 11m ssb activity,

i guarantee that had i done so i would have been well back on 11m ssb years ago totally disillusioned with what ham radio and to a huge degree cb radio has degenerated into over the past 3 decades. even my beloved 11m freeband has degenerated beyond all recognition, in no smallway down to all the "ham wannabes/cb experts" who turned it into another your 5/9 and your progressive number is 5 billion and 21, joke.

there is absolutely no hard feelings from me Bamm Bamm, i'm often misinterpreted.i'm very grateful i can sleep well long term;)

I have to ask, after this rant, why you spend time on a radio forum? It just seems to p*ss you off. I've been in the radio hobby for 25 years plus and I know there are boneheads out there, but I don't let them ruin my enjoyment of the hobby. There are still way more great folks out there (CB and HAM) than douchers.
I have to ask, after this rant, why you spend time on a radio forum? It just seems to p*ss you off. I've been in the radio hobby for 25 years plus and I know there are boneheads out there, but I don't let them ruin my enjoyment of the hobby. There are still way more great folks out there (CB and HAM) than douchers.

i spend time on radio forums trying to help those genuinely seeking it,

only thing pissing me off is bullshitters that post poor to crap info on forums and never have the ego to accept they might be wrong, therefore those who come genuinely seeking advice have to wade through a quagmire of bullshit to get even modestly accurate information. this applies to all forums, not just radio ones.

no matter how many f@cktards are on radio i will always find decent people to talk too, because for the most part in life you get back what you give out. that doesn't mean i don't notice how bad/sad things have become.

@bamm bamm,

i'm not familiar with the 959 chassis, but you might be able to stretch your tx/rx slide by replacing the clarifier varactor with another with more capacitance per volt than the one thats currently in it. as others have said many circuits start drifting badly the more slide you add.
I too have read about the wattage lowering on the 257hp after warm up but most reviews of it compare it to the 2950 for stability. I read your post about the claifier but as I've read and experienced with my 959 it does drift and with my luck it would make it worse. I like the large meter on my galaxy but it has been said all galaxies drift like a sailboat. I guess my only choice for low drift all the channels I want, great receive and a mobile unit is a 2950. I looked at the yeticom but feel it's overpriced for what I want. I'm not really worried about power output as I can connect a amp if needed. I'm wondering after upgrading radio and antenna what I could sell this DX949 and my A-99 for. It would be nice to get some of my purchase price back by selling the old radio.
Either a RCI 2950 DX, RCI 2970 DX, Magnum S-45, or Magnum 257HP will be the cheapest way to go - as far as export radios go. The Magnum radios work better on AM than the RCI's do; just my personal opinion. Seems to be the case. I've tried a 2950, and I just didn't like the AM reports I had got back to me. SSB was OK though. The receive audio on the RCI's isn't too swift either . . .

The Galaxy radios are nice; especially their receive. But they drift like a boat on SSB too. I do use a Galaxy DX 99V/export radio in the mobile because I just like the receive. But - it too - drifts like a boat. Ranger radios also drift, and so do the SuperStar brand radios.

Most DX clubs use SSB more than AM anyway.
So SSB performance with little/no drift will be important to you.

BTW - SuperStar, Galaxy, RCI, Ranger, and Connex radios are all made by Ranger USA Corp.
The RCI radios are the best of the whole lot that Ranger USA makes - IMO . . .
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from Jazzsinger ......... "lastly i don't have an issue with cb v ham bullshit (both have good and bad), just bullshit in general."

Sure could have fooled me!!
Either a RCI 2950 DX, RCI 2970 DX, Magnum S-45, or Magnum 257HP will be the cheapest way to go - as far as export radios go. The Magnum radios work better on AM than the RCI's do; just my personal opinion. Seems to be the case. I've tried a 2950, and I just didn't like the AM reports I had got back to me. SSB was OK though. The receive audio on the RCI's isn't too swift either . . .

The Galaxy radios are nice; especially their receive. But they drift like a boat on SSB too. I do use a Galaxy DX 99V/export radio in the mobile because I just like the receive. But - it too - drifts like a boat. Ranger radios also drift, and so do the SuperStar brand radios.

Most DX clubs use SSB more than AM anyway.
So SSB performance with little/no drift will be important to you.

BTW - SuperStar, Galaxy, RCI, Ranger, and Connex radios are all made by Ranger USA Corp.
The RCI radios are the best of the whole lot that Ranger USA makes - IMO . . .

Bam Bam, Check out Robb's report on the Magnum Omega Force S45hp
This is the radio i should of bought. And now i have some funds put back just for this.

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