People consider experts superior beings while forgetting that they are normal human beings who have the same mind that any human being has.
Whenever a person learns more about a subject, his mind becomes more rigid and less creative. Brain connections are developed when we use our minds more in creative ways but when we develop a single minded way of thinking sooner or later we will fail to see anything except what we have already learned. (Avanti was able to think outside the box with their invention of the sigma4)
An expert won't listen to you then evaluate your words but he will just compare whatever you say to his already existing database. If anything you said matched something he tried earlier then he will quickly predict the end results you will get.
However what most experts fail to notice is that past experience is never an indication of future results. Just watch how experts give recommendations about stocks and you will laugh. When they recommend a stock that keeps falling they shortly change their minds and recommend selling it and when it starts going up again they quickly recommend buying it.
Not all "experts" meet the your view of what an expert is. There are those that clearly do, and those that are no where close.
The most knowledgeable are those that aren't afraid to explore new ideas. This type of expert has a completely different approach, and if they tell you something isn't going to work, or you have something wrong (in the form of an absolute, not an opinion) they have several reasons for why that would be. They likely have access to reputable sources that go far beyond your knowledge on the matter as well. To them knowledge is only part of the story, what they really seek is understanding.
This type of expert isn't afraid to try things out. If you give them an idea they have yet to explore, they will explore it. That being said, their exploration of your idea can easily take them in a different direction, and a far different result.
A word of warning, be careful about absolute statements and implications such as your idea on experts. We humans like to fit things into nice little categories, however, very rarely do those categories fit all possibilities. There is far more than one or two kinds of "expert" in this world.
The DB