I have been a CB'er since 1968 (50 years) and a Ham for five years. The hams will chime in on CB projects that could keep you out of the court system. There really is not a CB versus Ham culture perpetuated on this board. I like helping out anybody I can, I don't know everything but I do know how to research for the answers. Successful a lot.
The first quote should have told you what to do next.
Your quote show that you harbor resentment against people you don't know and are acting with a bias against a class of people you have never met.
Unfortunately this thread has turned away from my original question and has turned into a part 95 chime in session. I didn't ask of the legalities or permission...I asked if anyone has ever done it? It would be more useful for you to simply say "no I havent" and move on then to keep going on and on about legalities and getting licensed.