yes sir. my driver training days id get many asking me to signal em in an easy reply,i drive for pay ,i turn you loose and im in washington,your in new york. im sure as crap not going to be there in a split second. im not some of samantha on bewitched's family and just pop in.Amen to that. Waaaaay back in grade five I had a teacher that EVERY time you asked him how to spell a word, regardless of what word it was he would always spell out d-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-r-y. It was his way of getting us to learn for ourselves and not simply rely on someone else. With the amount of information we have available at our fingertips today, combined with a little common sense, you can pretty much find ANYTHING yourself. I cannot remember the last time I actually asked someone how to do something. Youtube has been a blessing for how-to projects.
i agree with your teacher. world needs more like that 1