Got my new Sirio mag mount yesterday, hooked it up yesterday and couldn't talk skip worth a damn but did talk ground wave pretty far like over 50 miles on ssb. Maybe these 5000 sirio antennas are not designed to talk skip
Got my new Sirio mag mount yesterday, hooked it up yesterday and couldn't talk skip worth a damn but did talk ground wave pretty far like over 50 miles on ssb. Maybe these 5000 sirio antennas are not designed to talk skip
Got my new Sirio mag mount yesterday, hooked it up yesterday and couldn't talk skip worth a damn but did talk ground wave pretty far like over 50 miles on ssb. Maybe these 5000 sirio antennas are not designed to talk skip
That's hogwash. The board and chassis are isolated at DC, coupled at RF, but isolated at DC.And if you've wired the negative wire directly to the battery, if there's ever a fault on the main battery to frame/body negative cable, that braided ground strap ensures that the total current of all electrical devices in the car, including the starter motor when you crank the engine, will go straight through your radio turning the insides into charcoal.
SWR still in the 1.2 to 1.3 range I heard a guy like a signal 9 from Florida yesterday and he never heard me. Today I am taking the old Wilson with me, park on a hill and actually do a swap if the skip is rolling, I'll be honest and I know conditions change from minute to minute but this guy from Florida was loud for about half an hour, but I did talk to Red Bank NJ from where I was that was about 50 air miles so it does work maybe just radiates the signal different compaired to the Wilson
That's hogwash. The board and chassis are isolated at DC, coupled at RF, but isolated at DC.
And there is NO continuity there. You're looking at pictures and it's got you confused. Connect the ground of you meter or scope to the chassis and try to set DC voltages on the board and get back to me.No they're not. Put your continuity tester on the negative cable and touch it to the chassis of the rig.