Didn't you get prosecuted by OFCOM or is there another George from Glasgow who flies off the handle at the slightest thing? Some of those on Transmission1 seemed to think you were and its interesting that there's mention of a ban in the following video.....
Is this you George?
Is this you George?
Are you the "Milton Nutter" as your local paper described George the nutjob on the CB?
You've had 3 bans on here, a lifetime ban from TM1 and a lifetime ban from HRD...certainly compelling evidence.
Lmfao, your unbelievable, to answer your first question,yes I have been busted,it was in 1983, I was 16 and still knew more than you but quite frankly didn't give a fuck and ran lots of power right next to an analogue telephone exchange via a 3 element beam and mighty magnum 3,its no secrer
Do I fly off the handle at the slightest thing? First I knew of it,but I'm not known for my tolerance.
Am I Podgy (George 108AT144),No sadly for you I don't come from Milton although I am very familiar with the area,an area you would be shitting yourself in, I also don't gob off on cb then hide under the bed when people come to my door like the guy you think I am, you really don't want to know what I do, but I will say this when I got busted the 8 or so cops and 3 GPO RIS workers got a bit of a fright when a 16 year old wae a claw hammer answered the door at 3am.So no Ofcom haven't been to my door,they weren't even invented when I got busted.
Do I know George Podgy,not personally but I've heard him,probably spoke to him in the past and totally disagree with what he does as I use SSB with courtesay,and have done for over 30 years,nothing compared to your 3 years of expertise.
What makes you think I got banned from ham radio deals? Because I'm not as far as I know, I just got fed up with your shite and stopped going on it,did you not get banned though?
I know for a fact you got banned from TM1,people wanted me back, you weren't quite as popular if I recall, don't have me linking to the thread now,I think the quote was Jazzsinger v Retard threads,That's what the internet was made for along with my signature that Bob85 made to you after I got banned, I'm sure others will correct me if anything I've said is untrue,
How many forums have you been banned from out of curiosity?
have you lost count yet,cause I have.Cobra 200 GTL Dx were more popular on uk forums than you were.Or am I lying on that too?
So your compelling evidence is most definately evidence of psychological projection, and your lack of intellect, I thought normal service was being resumed a couple of years ago,you off they meds again? What's wae all these conspiracy theories ? Are you genuinely stalking me? llf
If your so concerned about Podgy,why don't you go to Milton and have a word with him,his street is in that article you printed from a local glasgow muck raking mag called the digger.It certainly didn't make the local paper,lol. I'd pay to watch you walk through Milton,lmao. You'd last 5 minutes maximum.
I'd bare in mind anyone is free to go to TM1 and search Jazzsinger or Retard and they'll be able to read all the stuff you claim never happened. I'm quite suure not many thought I was Podgy,lol.