The 5000 is a fine antenna, but to heavy for me. It feels solid, though i think the wimpy seal could be improved. The 4000 has a nice big recessed O-ring.
I'll try and find the pic.
m42duster, i have been thinking about that bottom seal ever since you mentioned it the first time. i looked over my turbo real good yesterday and seen what you were talking about. i did end up finding a little water in it, but didnt find that untill i blew out the base with a little compressed air. hardly worth writing home about.
it appears to be seeping through the top of the outer plastic shell and the metal part of the base of the antenna and not from the base seal. i used some of that liquid electric tape with a small regular head screwdriver and dabbed a small "ring" around that tiny gap. and since it is a rubber compound it sealed quite well as i see after the last heavy rain that we had here, and sure enough it was bone dry. i think i will shoot sirio a email about that issue and perhaps they can redesign that plastic outer shell to accept some type of "O" ring before it is press fitted into place.
i guess that nothing is perfect, and if that is all the issues i can find with this new antenna, then i have really nothing to complain about.