its been like 10 years &Actually, it's an 11 year cycle.-i sometimes wonder how long some people have been into CB/HF radio, or just how much attention they pay to what is going on around them. every year, each & every year, every single year, for reasons mostly unknown/unproven, there is a phenomenon know as SPORADIC E, or E-skip that appears mostly during late spring/early summer, that mostly affects the 12-6 meter bands, with some (rare) activity even on 2 meters. on 11 meters, it is what we have been experiencing for the last 2 weeks or so, short skip generally from about 500-1200 miles in distance. IT HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN TO HAVE A SINGLE THING TO DO WITH THE 11 YEAR SUNSPOT CYCLE, and can vary in intensity from year to year, but it HAS BEEN THERE since i was introduced to CB radio 35 years ago. hardcore DXers can't wait for springtime during the low end of the cycle, and then there are others that loathe DX. but, please, stop saying 'haven't heard any dx in 10 years', because it IS here EVERY year (actually twice, including dec/jan). check out sporadic E on google. PLEASE.