I had to duck out really quick to pick up my son so I didn't have an opportunity to look at that spot but I will as soon as I get back. I have several other radios that are operational ( Yaesu Ft-891, Uniden 78, cobra 50wxst) and a Galaxy 959 that has issues...possibly a blown final. Right now all the radio does is come on and illuminate the meter and channel selector with a slight static, about half the level, from the internal speaker. PA in inoperable. The external speaker has a high pitched oscillating or motor boat sound. If certain spots at the front of the board are probed the volume from the speaker increases and can then be squelched. If you try to transmit the receive light in the meter shuts off but there is no carrier (like there was before), no modulation and the transmit light does not illuminate. I don't remember if the transmit light was operational to begin with. The cb/pa switch appears to work. Also, I believe Sunbulls was correct about the mic wiring. It is similar but not entirely the same as the Midland. Now that we know the model I was able to find the mic wiring via Astatic and it looks like 5 wires are used on a 4 pin plug setup.