No worries, I would be an avid SSB'er, but now I'm just a big AM BS'er, modded the old 142 GTL for AM swang, now SSB don't work, better get my radio off to the doctor, lol.sorry ssb guy here........................
(Single side band mode still works on the 142, i'm just joking about the swing mod & sending it off)
It feels weird to me, no carrier.. The signal is there or it's not; it's like i'm lost in the twilight zone without the carrier, lol i'll get used to it.
Sometimes, the etiquette and mannerisms on 38 LSB make me feel like i'm supposed to have a license just to talk there; it's a different side of the CB for sure, and I like it.
If anyone is wondering why I'm so big into AM, well my first SSB capable radio was an early Galaxy 88HL, and the rest is history.
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