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Snake Radio Customs calls out Mike's Radio Repair LOL

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So it's not public and he is getting the private videos now FROM HIS CUSTOMERS?

Yes, his customers are starting to send me the private links to their videos.
I have several more to edit.
Some of his customers feel duped after having what is going on explained.

Now I have heard from customers that are like Trump supporters... they will follow him regardless. He could light their radio on fire with that lighter he uses to burn wires and they would still send him more radios.

That element of his base will never go away but I know for a fact it is starting to affect him because his attacks are starting to get more and more desperate.

He is being asked too many questions now. It's hurting him.
Yes, his customers are starting to send me the private links to their videos.
I have several more to edit.
Some of his customers feel duped after having what is going on explained.

Now I have heard from customers that are like Trump supporters... they will follow him regardless. He could light their radio on fire with that lighter he uses to burn wires and they would still send him more radios.

That element of his base will never go away but I know for a fact it is starting to affect him because his attacks are starting to get more and more desperate.

He is being asked too many questions now. It's hurting him.
the ones that backing him up are his donors lol.
Yes, his customers are starting to send me the private links to their videos.
I have several more to edit.
Some of his customers feel duped after having what is going on explained.

Now I have heard from customers that are like Trump supporters... they will follow him regardless. He could light their radio on fire with that lighter he uses to burn wires and they would still send him more radios.

That element of his base will never go away but I know for a fact it is starting to affect him because his attacks are starting to get more and more desperate.

He is being asked too many questions now. It's hurting him.

Hahahah like Trump supporters jibe. That was hilarimongous.
10 Turn Pot $60 and tells people to go look it up!!! HAHAHAHAHA dude he is digging his own grave....
Ok guys, that's reasonable. Apologies.

Timmy has deleted virtually all videos. Even private customer videos.
But he will be back.

This video sums it up:

For now......
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Wow! Just four videos up on his YouTube page, I guess he doesn't like the critiquing of his fine craftsmanship
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Of course not!
Criticism, even constructive criticism sets him off.
On his stream he would berate customers that had even the slightest criticism.

I have plenty of footage to keep me busy for months.
He did cut customers off and that didn't help him at all.
Several more this morning including one person that wants to put a radio up on eBay wanted to see if I had their videos. The guy that wanted to sell the radio wanted to include the video as part of the listing.
I helped one guy out and gave him the video for his radio.

It's bad that I care more about his customers than he does.
He is losing a lot of them and pretty fast.

I was contacted by someone that tried to show this before and that person received death threats and even had people show up at his house.
Not surprising considering that Tim has made it clear on his stream and in his videos that if you are a "hater" that he will expose you and give out your information.
So to his "followers" that's basically an order: go forth and harm this person.
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Let him give out your info. It seems like a big deal at first but at the end of the day no one really cares. If he does that enough times his business will suffer even more. His followers doing harm to anyone is a joke. I guess everyone is a badass behind a microphone or keyboard.
There was a guy that got his car keyed and tires slashed because Tim released his info.
That is something that Tim does. That's no joke.
I wouldn't do it.

Some of the people he deals with are insane.
When their messiah says "here is where this guy lives" and rattles it off it's an invitation for his minions to go pay people a visit.

Sure, there are stories and some of them might just be that.
But when he doxxes you because you were not satisfied with his work that tells me that the guy is a few beers short of a six pack.
Still are plenty of crazy people that will take what he says seriously.
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