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So how do we keep the CB ball rollin'?

around here the general public looks at guys like me that still have a CB radio like im some sort of retard or someone thats out of touch with reality.
Most people will tell you that kids today are too into their smartphones and video games to pay any attention to CB

I started talking on the CB when I was around 7. Now I'm 14 and I have a base station. Got a Galaxy 2517 driving a 2 pill Fatboy pushing about 400 watts, Astatic 878 desk microphone, and Imax 2000 up at 30ft. I also have a Cobra 29 matched with a Wilson 5000 that I'll put in the car when we go out of town. Most of my friends have NEVER EVER heard of a CB Radio. Most people my age keep their eyes glued to their phones, especially girls lol. But I've heard of teens playing CB tag. Rules are: Can't go 5 miles from base, can't go over speed limit :tt2:,must keep moving,then when you find them...you honk 3 times, then it's their turn to be it. They go by the S unit on the meter then whos it tracks them down. That is a good way to get everyone who can drive into the hobby. Once I get 16, the first thing I'm putting in my truck....is a CB!
CB radio used to be a family hobby, with mom, dad and the kids involved. Everybody was friendly. It started dying when all of the stupidity, cussing and rudeness began. The only way to ever bring it back is to clean it up, so the whole family can enjoy it without being embarrassed by what they hear.

were using facebook and have weekly time we all get in and rag chew. i do most of the installs with the help of a friend whose eager to learn. i buy cheap radios and antennas on ebay and borrow them out or give them away. if someone borrows it and stays active i just let them keep it. a cobra 19dx or cobra 25, a lighter plug for power and a k30 magmount antenna costs $60-$70. its a small price to pay to get someone involved.
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I bet if Nursing Homes installed a CB/HAM shack it would make some old timers happy.

I know of a nursing home that DOES ALLOW some outdoor antennas. A few of the residents are hams and i have seen a couple of Huster BTV and a few dipoles and one A99 outside. They are not too high off the ground but they are hooked to a radio keeping someone happy!!!!
Almost all of the guys that take ag classes at my high-school have a cb. Almost all of them are the cheap cobra 19's, but its still cool. I'd get one but I dont want an antenna on my grand am.
I bet if Nursing Homes installed a CB/HAM shack it would make some old timers happy.

Having listened to discussions on 2m about such riveting subjects as carol singing and gardening (not the cool type:confused1:). I was under the impression they were fitted in all care homes.

I doubt they would appreciate it anyway, most oldtimers are way to busy pinching nurses asses to be bothered with radio.
I know of a nursing home that DOES ALLOW some outdoor antennas. A few of the residents are hams and i have seen a couple of Huster BTV and a few dipoles and one A99 outside. They are not too high off the ground but they are hooked to a radio keeping someone happy!!!!

An Antron 99 in the vicinity of pacemakers and other medical equipment, thats just downright dangerous. no wonder people don't last long in these places.
Not unless you run a lot of power. My aunt lives just a house or two from me and she has one and i have never caused issues.. Those pacemakers are RF shielded.
Having listened to discussions on 2m about such riveting subjects as carol singing and gardening (not the cool type:confused1:). I was under the impression they were fitted in all care homes.

I doubt they would appreciate it anyway, most oldtimers are way to busy pinching nurses asses to be bothered with radio.

Or colonoscopys or other gross stuff. LOL

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