I guess it's time to upgrade the antenna to extend my chat time a bit.
Haven't even had an HF rig for 2 months, got bit by the DX bug and here I am with a conversation around the world, literally, talked to a fellow in Perth a few minutes ago, who got me on the"short side" and then swung his beam around to catch me on the long side.
11530 miles the short way, 13326 if you take the long path.
I guess I can mention that to those that sweat that "antenna is everything" since it was done with a PL-259 and 15' of 15yr old speaker wire for a dipole slid inside some PVC pipe, 15' off the ground.
A happy DX day for Jeff....
Haven't even had an HF rig for 2 months, got bit by the DX bug and here I am with a conversation around the world, literally, talked to a fellow in Perth a few minutes ago, who got me on the"short side" and then swung his beam around to catch me on the long side.
11530 miles the short way, 13326 if you take the long path.
I guess I can mention that to those that sweat that "antenna is everything" since it was done with a PL-259 and 15' of 15yr old speaker wire for a dipole slid inside some PVC pipe, 15' off the ground.
A happy DX day for Jeff....