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So.. then.. this site allows discussion of illegal CB stuff?

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Go ahead and lock the thread. I"m getting no intelligent answers here. Instead I get my address posted in forums and pretty much the same smear campaigns that the illegals do on CB. Obviously, my point as to the characted of illegal CBers has been proven.

I need no further eduction or insight. I've found the answer to my questions and do not like what I see on this board.

I am surprised you were able to pass your exam. When you say that no ham breaks any rules and that same ham uses his high power ham radio on the cb band what do you call that?
I called Troll. Now I also call him a pot stirrer as well.
He starts a thread like this knowing what the replies will be.
I can disagree agreeably with just about anyone but a troll.

We have established for him that he is superior to all lowlife, trash talking, amp running CB'ers.

Now he can sleep well tonight, confident in his superior intellect. :D

I find it humorous.
kd8vdr said:
ALL the airwaves would be the anarchy CB is.

While I am not trying to repeat what has already been said about there is unruliness in virtually everything, and not only radio, one thing stood out most to me in your reply, and so I quote it above.

There are those annoying people on the CB band, and God knows it is a miserable thing to deal with. What is hilarious the first time is only mildly funny the second time, and at best annoying after that. Such behavior does beg the question of where went simple consideration? Courtesy is not outdated, IMO, and it is sad when the descending spiral of discourtesy is perceived as a mark of our times and folks give up to it. I applaud yours, and others desire to maintain civility. It is needed now more than ever.
That said, there is something unfortunate in your assessment of the CB band as one of anarchy. Some of us actually love the rough and tumble free handed way of working the CB band. It is, after all, the Citizens Band. I am not an Amateur, yet. I have begun to study, but my motivation is simply to broaden my experience, not to "take it to the next level". I like what I do already.
What I think is missing in what you have said above is the ability to appreciate the differences in folks. But you aren't the only one. They are all around us.
Some hams just give radio a bad name, in an opposite but equally annoying way as the jackass cb operator with a splatterbox on channel 6.

the radio amateur community made the rules for radio amateur frequencies, not the FCC, so yeah I have a problem with mexican lawn care services hijacking the local repeaters to do their business on, but when it comes to any other band, dude, why care?

Why not bitch about all the profanity and filth on the radio and network television, they break the rules every minute and the FCC does shit.

I think most of what the FCC does it bullshit, I think federal bureaus are way outside of the powers given in the constitution, and the only way the FCC could do business within the confines of the constitution would be to listen for signals that cross state lines, but the constitution has been, sometimes more and sometimes less, a meaningless piece of paper since way back in 1861, and its been a battle to restrain government since the day the delegates signed it.

radio amateur is more like a club, cb, murs, gmrs is more like public or utility, upper HF, aka the freeband is more like dead air and for the most part nobody is hurting a goddamn thing.

you know if they legalized drugs the drug pushers, organized criminal gangs, murderous cartels, etc would be out of business.

you know if they legalized export radios and amplifiers splatterboxes and toaster oven dx would die out.

the fcc is bureaucrats, whos job is to create more bureaucracy thus jobs for themselves and more bureaucrats.

Mandatory narrowbanding, was that really necessary? with the exception of major metro areas, there is alot of empty space up there on VHF and UHF and most of the users are businesses who cant afford to go 800mhz or digital. my ass, its not going to happen, few will comply and even fewer ever had a license to begin with.

so kiss my ass, i run 35 watts dead key on CB, turn splatterboxes into clean radios, turn commercial equipment into ham rigs and ham rigs into full coverage to talk on murs and gmrs, and the best part is, i got less than $200 into the hobby, (1)10m export, (1)ts-440 hf rig, (2)ht's, (1)100w 2meter mobile, and a 70cm rig in the works. Alot of 'hams' spend $2000 to have the same capabilities I have. How so, because I buy broke shit and fix it, convert it, and improvise everywhere in between.

I like talking on 2m repeaters about more technical topics, but if i try to criticize the fcc, badmouth the obama or dare even mention CB, even for its most basic utility purpose for me which is to hunt deers, at least someone is going to jump in and boo me off the air (like my hunting club is all going to go out and get ham licenses).

But with CB, i can badmouth the president, the fcc, and peoples mothers if i so please, can talk DX sometimes, and nobody gets mad if i slip up and say a bad word.

oh and mr.radio cop(lolol), the FCC posted your address, we just linked. Anyone with half a brain, come on your a ham you outta know this, can look up that callsign that your dumb ass used when you signed up for this forum.

I would never post my call sign to discuss the things I like to discuss, some of the things they roast me alive for, especially the more hypothetical things (honest to god i got no plans to attempt, all in the quest for knowledge)

Hell with that ULS database i dont think i would post my call sign anywhere.

My call sign is Charlie Sierra Alpha One Eight Six One Niner

And I like country ham and grits!
This has ben a very interesting read. Lots of oponions and views. I am not a ham so guess I'm just a lower class radio person.The reason I'm not a ham is because I have chosen not to be. Each to his own. I happen to e njoy CB most of the time. When I don't I simply flip the switch off. Whatever for of communication you enjoy just have fun with it. Life is too short for all the dramn, name calling, and such. There are abusers at all levels. Have a nice day. Just my .02:wink:
i know lots of hams that have done illegal things, hell tune into 80m any night of the week.

i know i have ran beyond legal limit at times and even done some freebanding. ohh noes, please dont take my fancy general class licence.
At the end of the day it boils down to integrity. You either have it or you don't. This applies to everyone including CB'er and Hams.

Trolls win. :bdh:
Integrity. thats it!

All hams should "realize in their mind" the rule 97.113(a)(5)
(a) No amateur station shall transmit:
(5) Communications, on a regular basis, which could reasonably be furnished alternatively through other radio services.

Dont ignore the rule or brush it off, its there.
Basically, if you use regularly use amateur radio, then you should find some other radio service. For that reason alone, i could choose to stay with 11m.

The other salient point is that this forum is world-wide.
With each sovereign country having its own regulations for 26-28MHz frequencies. Some countries permit higher power, or different frequencies or modes. Whats illegal (or legal) depends entirely upon where you are.
Integrity. thats it!

All hams should "realize in their mind" the rule 97.113(a)(5)
(a) No amateur station shall transmit:
(5) Communications, on a regular basis, which could reasonably be furnished alternatively through other radio services.

Dont ignore the rule or brush it off, its there.
Basically, if you use regularly use amateur radio, then you should find some other radio service. For that reason alone, i could choose to stay with 11m.

The other salient point is that this forum is world-wide.
With each sovereign country having its own regulations for 26-28MHz frequencies. Some countries permit higher power, or different frequencies or modes. Whats illegal (or legal) depends entirely upon where you are.

Did you leave out just a tiny portion of SEC 97.113 that puts what you edited into perspective? Are you affiliated with CNN or other left wing organization? If not, they could use you. :D
This is probably a rhetorical question...

Looks like a good site.. except that the "Illegal Good Buddy" stuff going on here....

Should I be sorry I joined here?

Do you drive 1-30 mph over the speed limit......that's illegal.
Have you ever threw a piece of paper or cigarette butt out of the window....that's illegal.
Have you ever had sex with a girl/women/man in a car.......that's illegal.
Have you ever made a monetary bet in a state where that is illegal.
Cry all you want but you are a criminal too...to a certain degree. You are guilty of trolling, but that is not a crime.
oh, are we still posting in this thread? :whistle:

KD8DVR is either a moron or a troll.

only two choices here. no more. no third option.

to join a forum that has a CB section, and to ask in that section if its ok to post information about activities that are illegal, well, c'mon, thats just moronic.

and he started on CB!!!

this person is most definitely a QRZ.COM ham.
very inferior intellect.

so, if he actually didnt know that illegal activities would be discussed in the CB section of a radio forum, then he is a moron and should have his drivers license taken away.

if, however, he did know better, then he is a troll, and a very amateurish and boring one at that.
oh, are we still posting in this thread? :whistle:
I was thinking the same thing! 8 pages??? :rolleyes:
KD8DVR is either a moron or a troll.
Moron? Maybe. Troll? Quite possibly, if only incidentally. A supercillious Pecksniff? Definitely!!!
to join a forum that has a CB section, and to ask in that section if its ok to post information about activities that are illegal, well, c'mon, thats just moronic.

and he started on CB!!!

this person is most definitely a QRZ.COM ham.
very inferior intellect.

so, if he actually didnt know that illegal activities would be discussed in the CB section of a radio forum, then he is a moron and should have his drivers license taken away.

if, however, he did know better, then he is a troll, and a very amateurish and boring one at that.
Yup. :bored:
KD8DVR is either a moron or a troll.
Shame on you loosecannon. Why do we have to resort to name calling? If you don't agree with KD8DVR or whoever - just don't read the thread. Obviously, this turned out to be a very popular thread - wouldn't you agree? Myself - I can't get away from this thread - I love the interaction (both sides) it has started.
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