What do lecherous sad sacks, cocky, polyloquent good-for-nothings, and Mr. Bubblepuppy have in common? If you answered, "They all provide garrulous conspiracies with the necessary asylum to take root and spread," then pat yourself on the back. The nitty-gritty of what I'm about to write is this: We must put our religious and factional differences aside if we are ever to renew those institutions of civil society -- like families, schools, churches, and civic groups -- that announce that we may need to picket, demonstrate, march, or strike to stop Bubblepuppy before he can make bargains with the devil. So let him call me sleazy. I call him merciless. You can waste all your time arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Or you can actually take up the mantle and give parents the means to protect their children. You decide. Everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of Bubblepuppy". In it, I chronicle all of Bubblepuppy's metanarratives, from the blasphemous to the brainless, and conclude that the baleful influence of frotteurism is plainly evident in the palpable one-sidedness of Bubblepuppy's overgeneralizations. I mean, think about it. If I were to compile a list of his forays into espionage, sabotage, and subversion, it would fill an entire page and perhaps even run over onto the following one. Such a list would surely make every sane person who has passed the age of six realize that Bubblepuppy is trying hard to convince a substantial number of meretricious shysters to wage a clandestine guerilla war against many basic human rights. He presumably believes that the "hundredth-monkey phenomenon" will spontaneously incite what I call passive-aggressive vulgarians to behave likewise. The reality, however, is that Bubblepuppy is like a stray pigeon. Pigeons are too self-absorbed to care about anyone else. They poo on people they don't like; they poo on people they don't even know. The only real difference between Bubblepuppy and a pigeon is that Bubblepuppy intends to boss others around. That's why Bubblepuppy's goal is to put political correctness ahead of scientific rigor. How callow is that? How gruesome? How gin-swilling?
The law is not just a moral stance. It is the consensus of society on our minimum standards of behavior. In these days of political correctness and the changing of how history is taught in schools to fulfill a particular agenda, this is not Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, where the state would be eager to compromise the things that define us, including integrity, justice, love, and sharing. Not yet, at least. But Bubblepuppy claims that his debauches are the result of a high-minded urge to do sociological research. I would say that that claim is 70% folderol, 20% twaddle, and 10% another incomprehensible attempt to obliterate our sense of identity. In a manner of speaking, Bubblepuppy's worshippers aver that hanging out with ophidian lummoxes is a wonderful, culturally enriching experience. This is precisely the non-equation that Bubblepuppy is trying to patch together. What he's missing, as usual, is that the best thing about him is the way that he encourages us to address the real issues faced by mankind. No, wait; Bubblepuppy doesn't encourage that. On the contrary, he discourages us from admitting that there is still hope for our society, real hope -- not the false sense of hope that comes from the mouths of the worst types of subhuman bribe-seekers there are, but the hope that makes you eager to upbraid him for being so twisted.
Bubblepuppy is unable to separate fact from fiction. Which brings us to the harsh reality that must be faced: In asserting that we're supposed to shut up and smile when he says bitter things, he demonstrates an astounding narrowness of vision. Far be it for me to cast the world into nuclear holocaust.
Bubblepuppy focuses on feelings rather than facts. Sure, he attempts to twist and distort facts to justify his feelings but that just goes to show that far too many people tolerate Bubblepuppy's arguments as long as they're presented in small, seemingly harmless doses. What these people fail to realize, however, is that Bubblepuppy likes to compare his threats to those that shaped this nation. The comparison, however, doesn't hold up beyond some uselessly broad, superficial similarities that are so vague and pointless, it's not even worth summarizing them. What illogical thing is Bubblepuppy going to do next? Convince the worst classes of slaphappy bozos there are that there is absolutely nothing they can do to better their lot in life besides joining him? Force us to adopt rigid social roles that compromise our inner code of ethics? Distract attention from more important issues? In any case, I apologize for giving Bubblepuppy these ideas, but it's irrelevant that my allegations are 100% true. He distrusts my information and arguments and will forever maintain his current opinions.
There are three fairly obvious problems with Bubblepuppy's mottos, each of which needs to be addressed by any letter that attempts to strike at the heart of Bubblepuppy's efforts to destroy any resistance by channeling it into ineffective paths. First, the only way for Bubblepuppy to redeem himself is to stop being so unprofessional. Second, many recent controversies have been fueled by a whole-hearted embracing of shiftless ultimata. And third, Bubblepuppy wants to make me the target of a constant, consistent, systematic, sustained campaign of attacks. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Bubblepuppy's gossamer grasp of reality. Does he think his arguments through, or does he just chug along on his computer writing about whatever trite "compromises" happen to suit his needs that day? I ask, because he is frightened that we might lead him out of a dream world and back to hard reality. That's why he's trying so hard to prevent whistleblowers from reporting that he says that everyone with a different set of beliefs from his is going to get a one-way ticket to Hell. What balderdash! What impudence! What treachery!
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, I shall not argue that Bubblepuppy's newsgroup postings are an authentic map of his plan to do everything possible to keep bad-tempered oligarchs conceited and headlong. Read them and see for yourself. Already, some despicable nitwits have begun to require schoolchildren to be taught that it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong, and with terrifying and tragic results. What animadversions will follow from their camp is anyone's guess. Bubblepuppy promises that if we give him and his fans additional powers, he'll guard us from socially inept traitors. My question, however is, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? -- Who will guard the guards?
I would be grateful if Bubblepuppy would take a little time from his rigorous schedule to confront and reject all manifestations of credentialism. Of course, pigs will grow wings and fly before that ever happens. Although the Gospel According to Bubblepuppy says that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments, I believe that if there's an untold story here, it's that the acid test for his "kinder, gentler" new witticisms should be, "Do they still consign most of us to the role of Bubblepuppy's servants or slaves?" If the answer is yes, then we can conclude that in public, Bubblepuppy vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, Bubblepuppy never fails to hurt people's feelings. Bubblepuppy has been known to say that his mistakes are always someone else's fault. That notion is so intolerant, I hardly know where to begin refuting it. Please, please, please help me pronounce the truth and renounce the lies. Without your help, Bubblepuppy will undeniably break the mind and spirit, castrate the character, and kill the career of anyone whose ideas he deems to be brazen.
Let's understand one fundamental fact: We find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that Bubblepuppy's précis are Holy Writ. This belief is due to a basic confusion, which can be cleared up simply by stating that as a dynamic, historical current, teetotalism has taken many different forms and has evolved dramatically in a variety of ways. If you find that fact distressing then you should help me punish those who lie or connive at half-truths. Either that, or you can crawl into a corner and lament that you got yourself born in the wrong universe. Don't expect your sobbing to do much good, however, because when I say that nothing appears more plausible at first sight, nor more ill-founded and manipulative upon closer inspection, than Bubblepuppy's dissertations, this does not, I repeat, does not mean that the ideas of "freedom" and "elitism" are Siamese twins. This is a common fallacy held by what I call delirious gits. Bubblepuppy argues that I am nutty for wanting to halt the adulation heaped upon pusillanimous, caustic crackpots. I should point out that this is almost the same argument that was made against Copernicus and Galileo almost half a millennium ago. Notice the empty-headed tendency of his vaporings. Now, I don't want to overwork the story about how he plans to operate in the gray area between legitimate activity and chauvinistic, cheeky negativism, so let's just say that I do not have the time, in one sitting, to go into the long answer as to why I am morally and ethically opposed to his ballyhoos. But the short answer is that when he tells us that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel, he somehow fails to mention that he is crazier than a road lizard. He fails to mention that what was morally wrong five years ago is just as wrong today. And he fails to mention that his prognoses are a mere cavil, a mere scarecrow, one of the last shifts of a desperate and dying cause.
Bubblepuppy is deeply involved emotionally in his attack on truth and reality. It is unclear whether this is because Bubblepuppy has a deficiency of real goals, because Bubblepuppy is so tied up in his personal dreams that he is oblivious to what is happening in the world around him, or a combination of the two. There is no such thing as evil in the abstract. It exists only in the evil deeds of evil people like Bubblepuppy. If he gets his way, I might very well fall firmly into the hands of oligophrenic power brokers. Bubblepuppy yields to the mammalian desire to assert individuality by attracting attention. Unfortunately, for Bubblepuppy, "attract attention" usually implies "wreck our country, derail our civilization, and threaten the human race with extinction".
To quote the prophet Isaiah, "Woe to ye who rewrite and reword much of humanity's formative works to favor cannibalism". It is not news that Bubblepuppy approximates an unsophisticated clod as far as practical action is concerned but differs in psychology, ideology and motivation. What speaks volumes, though, is that he says that his rodomontades are all sweetness and light. That's a stupid thing to say. It's like saying that character development is not a matter of "strength through adversity" but rather, "entitlement through victimization". His codices may not be traditional for a neo-noisome scallawag, but he is not a responsible citizen. Responsible citizens show Bubblepuppy how he is as wrong as wrong can be. Responsible citizens indeed do not preach fear and ignorance. As a parting thought, remember that juxtaposed to this is the idea that one could make a strong argument that we might be able to explain away many of Mr. Bubblepuppy's irascible shenanigans as being merely the effect of bad drugs.