If you ever used a SoundTracker ST radio from Cobra then you have a good idea as to how they can work.
Uses a Compandor, one side is a compressor - the other is an expander.
As the first part of it says, the ST's used a Compressor to your Mics audio while you transmit - it is a preset level and it was (still is) used in telephone handsets as a means to condense and narrow down your voice into a range of tone and power that digital processing and telephony networks could work with. Even your Cell-phone and Home Wireless phones are using this technology.
Expander side never really worked well for the ST units. Too many variables that affect their performance - from the external end. Hint: Real World...
Expandors are devices to re-expand or restore dynamic range - and using ST radios that expansion effect got in the way of echo mikes, loud background noises in the mics and general chit-chat from other non-ST radios.
It just made using ST expansion side - tedious - to use.
Now, if all you had were ST units on a noisy channel and everyone used it for purposes intended - they were admirably performing units - and well worth listening to and using.
The real world just gets in the way at times...
A better event would be to -tweak- your radios' limiter and mic amps sections to help improve the "punch" your voice has.
Some Mic elements are better in vocal and voice range reproduction than others and some older mic amplifiers in many of the older mics can sound better with an upgrade to the transistor amplifier in the handset - some older units use single FET (D104) but use a Salt-based crystal element no longer made. Can't do too much with those, but you're asking about installing a processor unit inside your radio...
Maybe you don't have to make it so complex, but then, anyone willing to use a speech processor must also have to "face the music" in using them. They may alter or add a color to your voice that you may not want - so you'll need to keep options open. (See Above...)
Many just switch to a power mic and figure it's done. That's fine if you want to bring in the dog snoring in the background while your cats' coughing up a hairball when you try to discuss the finer things in life with another power mike user that's tooling along about 45 MPH on a gravel road hauling chickens to the market with the windows down in their 64' Ford...
You get the idea...
There is another problem though, the mobile environment - you may have to twiddle with two levels - the Mics own internal amplifier setting and then there is the radios own mic gain level setting (if applicable) you can get distracted while texting just remember the same law can apply to using your radio too...
Base radio - lots of times it's a set it and forget it. Just remember if you have kids and a speech processor keyed up at the same time - the rest of us hear cartoons - Barney and children that are "learning how to cuss and act like mom and dad..." - in some ways it's called entertainment - others like the neighbors, get mad - possibly to the point they have to call CPS and your radio bleeds into their land line, computer speakers or their entertainment system, at least they have proof...
Ahh, Yes. The joys of CB radio ownership...
No wonder why there's Twitter....
:+> Andy <+: