Can anybody recommend a good spectrum analyzer for a cb radio? one that shows frequency and modulation. thanks
That's just what I was looking for, thanks for the reply.hello 805 i would go for the Rigol with tracking generator option.
check out MikesRadioRepairs on you tube. he does a review of his and explains all about them and their uses. all his videos are worth watching.
The spectrum analyzer is only needed for checking harmonic emissions.
There are probably only about 50 people who know how to use the spectrum analyzer. It is not necessary for the casual CB user.A required piece of equipment that 99.9% of CB radio operators overlook. Oh well, splatter on...
Can yo get away with FFT setting on your scope? If you do not absolutely need a Spectrum Analyzer save the coin. On the other hand you can never have too many tools! Rigol(sp) is the standard norm I see for anyone with new gear. People with old gear used often have HP gear for this![/QUOT
What are you trying to say Tallman, lolThere are probably only about 50 people who know how to use the spectrum analyzer. It is not necessary for the casual CB user.