Please use spell check before you post. Some of the posts on here are almost impossible to read and figure out because of poor grammar and errors in wording. Just saying guys!!!!
I use Firefox and it has a spell checker built in. The only problem is it does not correct for grammar. It thinks as long as the word is spelled correctly then it is fine. I used to have a spell checker that would recognize the difference between "their" and "there" in a sentence. That was nice. I still make the odd mistake mostly because I can't type worth shit. LOL
I do agree that it would be nice if some of the posts actually had punctuation and capital letters. I makes it so much easier to read and understand. I have seen a few here get all bent out of shape when someone asks "WTF were you saying? Use a spell checker and decent grammar man." The problem is that they know what they were thinking but nobody else does because of the very poor presentation. IMHO education is not the issue. Apathy and laziness is.
Their - Plural ownership. They came in their own car.
There - a particular spot, at a distance. Place the item over there.
They're - common contraction of they are. They're all coming to the party.
Hear - To receive and decipher audio sound. I can hear the noise.
Here - A particular spot, nearby. I found the item here.
That concludes the grammar lesson for the day. Tomorrow we will discuss adverbs and sentence structure.
Speaking of adverbs, have you noticed the tendancy these days not to use them? For example, these days people mostly say things like, "He did that real fast" as opposed to "He did that really quickly."
Their - Plural ownership. They came in their own car.
There - a particular spot, at a distance. Place the item over there.
They're - common contraction of they are. They're all coming to the party.
Hear - To receive and decipher audio sound. I can hear the noise.
Here - A particular spot, nearby. I found the item here.
That concludes the grammar lesson for the day. Tomorrow we will discuss adverbs and sentence structure.