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SSB and exports

I agree the prices have gone up substantially, I paid a bit over 200 for my radio and it performs well. I will agree 400 is a lot for a radio but what does a good ham radio ( that can rx and tx on 11 meters ) cost? Not arguing, I am curious, I just am getting into the ssb and now need to study and get my license as well. I am learning the ways now and look forward to having a great time making contacts. I already keep a book and am logging all contacts I can. Thanks for at least being honest as well about how you got into this hobby. God bless and to all it's all about having fun and making contacts, not to be riddle anyone. Everyone has to start somewhere.
I agree the prices have gone up substantially, I paid a bit over 200 for my radio and it performs well. I will agree 400 is a lot for a radio but what does a good ham radio ( that can rx and tx on 11 meters ) cost? Not arguing, I am curious, I just am getting into the ssb and now need to study and get my license as well. I am learning the ways now and look forward to having a great time making contacts. I already keep a book and am logging all contacts I can. Thanks for at least being honest as well about how you got into this hobby. God bless and to all it's all about having fun and making contacts, not to be riddle anyone. Everyone has to start somewhere.

New $550-whatever, Used $300-whatever
Any particular one you would recommend that can be used as a mobile and base? I travel for work and need it to be mobile as well? Thanks for any and all input.

Thanks for the comment. I never said they don't work, they clearly do as many many people are using them. My point was you spend money on a radio and you need to spend more money to make it work the way you want it to. If that is ok with the buyer then that is fine.

I also said that if I were to venture back into CB and run SSB only I would not buy an export. Not that they are bad but a good ham rig will most likely have better RX and TX. I know that my Yaesu 101ZD MKIII and Icom 706 hear better than my old Uniden Grant did (and that had an excellent RX). I can add filtering easily to make the RX better.

If you're happy with they rig your running then great! To each his own.

Congrats on working Japan but your contact had very little to do with the radio used and everything thing to do with band conditions. 11 and 10 meters have been very open the last couple of days and just about anything that can get a signal in the air will talk long distance. To do it on 11 meters is bit harder because of all the interference. Not slamming anyone here it's just nature doing what it does.

Fair enough:) I understand that it wasn't my 80 watts that got me to Japan. I know propagation is the major factor. You do have to have a good radio, and antenna when the sun goes down on 10m which was the case yesterday. My point ,at least one of them was, the 955 stayed on frequency the whole time.

I have a new Cobra 29 LX as well, and I feel it is built way stronger than the new Stryker. The 29 talks good on am (40ch's) and with my little 2 pill is a good combo. It will outlast me. The Stryker is very nice, but I have my doubts how long it will last with all the knob turning I do.

I am also a Ham Tech, but I'm not going to buy the big HF rig and tower until I'm at least a general. We are also in the process of trying to sell our house, so I don't want to get into the whole Ham shack deal just yet.

I have been enjoying the 10 band during the current good conditions.
I always ask this as it puzzles me, but where do most people that get into this hobby start?? What radio and setup, I bet you will find that most have had exports and are really closet export owners. Anyway have a great one , maybe I will hear you on 38lsb. 222 in the mobile around the sand pile Daytona beach standing by. God bless.

What got me into the hobby was when I was working for a hunting outfitter. We were guiding black bear hunts over bait. I was a bait tender. We were deep in the northern Maine forest, where there is a huge logging industry. Narrow dirt roads and big log trucks can be a bad combination. They call their road and mile marker to alert other drivers. I bought a Uniden 76 on Ebay for $30 and a K30 mag mount. I used it for calling my location and monitoring their locations, when I was driving from one bait site to another. I just found that I enjoyed using it, and just listening. Next thing it was bird season and I was on it all the time. It finally stopped working. It wasn't long before I purchased a new radio (Galaxy 929). Then I got one for the wife too (Uniden 510XL) Pretty soon I preferred listening to the CB more than my stereo.

We started getting conditions after a month or two. I was baffled how I was hearing all these people from all over the country. So I started researching and discovered skip. I've gone full circle. I went from that old, used Uniden to new CBs, to exports, and now I am going back to the old school. I just had that Uniden, which was my first radio, repaired and had an alignment done. I am using it more and more. I doubt I'll take out the 95t2, just because it oozes awesome. But that old Uniden PC76 has a very special place. Its probably my favorite. It sounds superb and has some punch. I've DXed barefoot pretty consistently since getting it back. I am amazed that I get some responses. Even when the band is getting jammed up I've got my numbers called. I don't have the power to keep conversations in those situations. But I called out and they called back.
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ive had playedaround with kenwood ts50, kenwood 820s
and founda couple exports that hold there own well
1emperior 5010 very good very close in rx as ts50
2 2510,lincoln
these two were very close to the hf rigs and still to this day are my favorites
Any particular one you would recommend that can be used as a mobile and base? I travel for work and need it to be mobile as well? Thanks for any and all input.

simple =kenwood ts-50 . see them on ebay uually around 400-500. for enough for mobile
can be used as a base too . power supply needed
Thanks hotrod an all others that have helped with my questions, it is all very much appreciated and will be looked into. I am learning and am happy to be part of a place where so much knowledge that I would not have gotten I now have. God bless and thanks much.
..... what does a good ham radio ( that can rx and tx on 11 meters ) cost?

New $550-whatever, Used $300-whatever

What radios are you referring to...?

There's 2 ham rigs I can think of that RX on 11 meters and TX if modded.....Icom 706MKIIG and the Yaesu FT857....neither have I ever saw going for $300 used...$500 used at best.....and that's NOT on eBay either....

Ok make that 3...the FT-101 comes to mind now....though I'm not thinking of older rigs. Perhaps the FT 101 goes for $300?
Again, thanks all for the info, it is appreciated and I will look into all radios that have been mentioned for sure. God bless.
Man I like the looks of the alinco and with the 5m expansion cable, it would be perfect for mobile application, thanks guys, I really appreciated all the help, think I may have found what I am looking for! God bless and 73's.

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