Since getting my FT-847 back repaired, I am trying to get SSTV working again. I am using MMSSTV 1.13A (latest), and a Tini-Cat-847 interface which seems to be functioning properly. TX freq is 14.230 into my wire antenna. Running 50 watts.
I had this same setup working a few years ago, and had great fun and success with the mode.
This time around, I am apparently having serious TX slant issues. I calibrated my sound card clock using the MMSSTV options, tuning to WWV. I have verified that the pics I am receiving are at the correct slant (auto-slant is OFF) The pictures come in straight, and my calibration is the same using WWV as well as stations that I know are sending unslanted images.
But when I send, everything looks like it is working properly, but stations are reporting terrible slant issues. None of the cams on the web are picking me up either. I have run the full-duplex loopback test and get a straight image indicating no need for a TX offset value.
I am beginning to think that whatever the problem is, it isn't actually a slant issue, just maybe seems that way to RX stations reporting slant problem. It seems like even with auto-slant turned on, the RX stations don't get any coherent image at all, but they are receiving my signal fairly well.
I tried using a different soundcard, same results. I went up to 10 meters and sent some pics to my other 10 meter rig with an interface and MMSSTV installed, and my pictures are coming through perfectly straight and 595.
All other MMSSTV settings are default.
I had this same setup working a few years ago, and had great fun and success with the mode.
This time around, I am apparently having serious TX slant issues. I calibrated my sound card clock using the MMSSTV options, tuning to WWV. I have verified that the pics I am receiving are at the correct slant (auto-slant is OFF) The pictures come in straight, and my calibration is the same using WWV as well as stations that I know are sending unslanted images.
But when I send, everything looks like it is working properly, but stations are reporting terrible slant issues. None of the cams on the web are picking me up either. I have run the full-duplex loopback test and get a straight image indicating no need for a TX offset value.
I am beginning to think that whatever the problem is, it isn't actually a slant issue, just maybe seems that way to RX stations reporting slant problem. It seems like even with auto-slant turned on, the RX stations don't get any coherent image at all, but they are receiving my signal fairly well.
I tried using a different soundcard, same results. I went up to 10 meters and sent some pics to my other 10 meter rig with an interface and MMSSTV installed, and my pictures are coming through perfectly straight and 595.
All other MMSSTV settings are default.