That 40 meters frequency is only a guess, can't remember exactly what the freq was. I've done SSTV for a lot of years, mostly on 20 meters. It may not always be hear-able but there's always somebody there. Everybody is just waiting to hear something, so send a picture and you'll get a reply. Maybe. Day time is more common than night time, but there's always someone there.
- 'Doc
14.233 is digital stuff. The latest 'gimick' is to be connected to the internet and only sending a URL. The program goes and get's the picture and displays it. Something just isn't 'right' about that, you know? Oh well...
- 'Doc
14.233 is digital stuff. The latest 'gimick' is to be connected to the internet and only sending a URL. The program goes and get's the picture and displays it. Something just isn't 'right' about that, you know? Oh well...